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1. 佩戴:将本命佛挂在项链或手链上佩戴在身上,以便时刻提醒自己修行和向善。
2. 放置:将本命佛放在家中的佛龛或供桌上,或者放在特定的位置,如卧室、客厅等,以示尊重和崇敬。
3. 念诵:可以每天诵读本命佛的经文或经文中提及的咒语,以祈求平安、幸福和福报。
4. 祈愿:在特定的日子或时间,如生日、新年等,向本命佛祈愿健康、顺利和家庭和睦。
5. 供养:可以定期向本命佛供奉香烛、鲜花、水果等物品,表达敬意和虔诚。



Consecrate this life Buddha can undertake according to individual be fond of and belief, can choose the following method commonly:

1.Adorn: Hang this life Buddha in necklace or adorn on hand catenary go up in the body, so that always remind his,cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine is mixed to be apt to.
2.Place: On the niche for a statue of Buddha that puts this life Buddha in the home or altar, perhaps put in specific place, wait like bedroom, sitting room, be respected in order to show and esteem.
3.Recite: The abracadabra that can allude in the lection of Buddha of Song chrestomathy life or lection everyday, sign up for in safety, happily in order to petition with blessing.
4.Invocatory: In specific date or time, wait like birthday, New Year, mix invocatory health, smoothly to this life Buddha the family is harmonious.
5.Make offerings to: Can wait for article to joss sticks and candles of this life Buddha consecrate, flower, fruit regularly, expressive devoir and devotional.

Above method is common consecrate the means of this life Buddha, the way that chooses to suit oneself undertakes consecrate can.
