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1. **整洁美观**:摆放水果时要注意整齐、美观,不要让水果乱放,可以考虑用盘子或篮子等容器进行摆放,使整个摆放看起来有序。

2. **色彩搭配**:选择不同颜色、形状的水果进行搭配,可以增加摆放的美感。例如,橙色的橙子、红色的苹果、黄色的香蕉等可以形成丰富多彩的色彩搭配。

3. **层次分明**:可以将水果按照大小、高低进行层次分明地摆放,比如将较大的水果放在底层,较小的水果放在上层,这样可以增加立体感。

4. **空间留白**:在摆放水果时,要注意留有一定的空间,不要把水果摆得太拥挤,留有空隙可以使整个摆放更加通透、舒适。

5. **环境卫生**:在摆放水果之前,要确保摆放的地方清洁卫生,可以使用干净的盘子或布垫作为水果的基座,避免水果直接接触到脏物。



Fruit of the consecrate when move to a better place or have a promotion is a kind of tradition consuetudinary, the following can consider when putting a fruit:

1.** is neat and beautiful ** : When putting a fruit, should notice orderly, beautiful, do not make a fruit random put, can consider to wait for container to undertake putting with dish or basket, make whole put look orderly.

2.** of ** colour collocation: The fruit that chooses different color, figure undertakes collocation, can increase put aesthetic feeling. For example, the colour that can form rich and colorful the banana of orange orange, gules apple, yellow is tie-in.

3.** is distinct ** : Can undertake the fruit according to size, discretion distinct the ground is put, for instance will bigger fruit is put in ground floor, lesser fruit is put in superstratum, can add stereo touch so.

4.** space leaves white ** : When putting a fruit, want to notice to take the space with have certain, do not place the fruit too crowdedly, stay space can make whole put more fully, comfortable.

5.** of ** environment sanitation: Before putting a fruit, want to ensure put local cleanness is wholesome, the dish that can use clean or cloth mat regard fruity as base, avoid a fruit direct bring into contact with is dirty content.

Above is a few put fruity basic principle, hope to be helped somewhat to you!
