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每日翻译: 就快速运输来说,空运明显比铁路运输或水运更有优势; 但就旅行来说,有人宁可坐火车或汽车,以便把当地的一些景色看


每日翻译: 就快速运输来说,空运明显比铁路运输或水运更有优势; 但就旅行来说,有人宁可坐火车或汽车,以便把当地的一些景色看

  • 每日翻译:

    就快速运输来说,空运明显比铁路运输或水运更有优势; 但就旅行来说,有人宁可坐火车或汽车,以便把当地的一些景色看的更清楚。

    • 1. In terms of rapid transportation, air transport clearly has an advantage over rail or water transport.
    • 2. Regarding fast shipping, air freight is evidently superior to railway or maritime transportation.
    • 3. When it comes to expedited transport, air travel stands out as more advantageous than rail or sea transport.
    • 4. For swift transportation, air transport is undeniably more beneficial than rail or water-based shipping.
    • 5. Concerning the speed of transportation, air travel is notably more advantageous than rail or waterborne transport.
    • 6. In the context of quick transport, air travel is distinctly more advantageous than rail or maritime transport.
    • 7. As for rapid transit, air transport is evidently more advantageous than rail or water transport.
    • 8. For the purpose of fast transport, air travel is clearly more superior to rail or water transport.
    • 9. When considering rapid transport, air travel is significantly more advantageous than rail or water transport.
    • 10. In the realm of expedited transport, air travel is decidedly more advantageous than rail or water transport.


    For fast transportation, the plane has apparent advantage over the train or the ship. But for travel, some people would prefer the railroad or the highway in order to have a better view of the land they travel.


    • fast transportation - 快速运输
    • plane - 飞机
    • apparent advantage - 明显优势
    • train - 火车
    • ship - 船
    • travel - 旅行
    • prefer - 更喜欢
    • railroad - 铁路
    • highway - 高速公路
    • better view - 更好的视野
    • land - 陆地
    • travel - 旅行(这里指旅行过程中)
    • 比较级结构:

      • "has advantage over" 表示“比...更有优势”,这是一个比较级结构,用来比较两个事物的优劣。
    • 并列句:

      • "but for travel" 使用了并列连词 "but" 来连接两个句子,表示转折关系。
    • 情态动词:

      • "would prefer" 是情态动词 "would" 的过去式,用来表示过去或假设的情况,这里表示一种偏好。
    • 不定式短语作目的状语:

      • "in order to have a better view of the land they travel" 是一个不定式短语,用来表示目的,即人们选择铁路或公路旅行的原因是为了更好地欣赏沿途的风景。
    • 定语从句:

      • "of the land they travel" 是一个定语从句,修饰 "a better view",说明是旅行者所经过土地的更好视野。
    • 代词:

      • "they" 是第三人称复数代词,指代 "some people"。
    • 现在分词作定语:

      • "traveling" 在 "the land they travel" 中用作现在分词,作为定语修饰 "land",表示正在旅行的土地。
