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英语作文高级句型 高考英语作文高级句型结构


英语作文高级句型 高考英语作文高级句型结构

  • 英语作文一直是学生们备受关注的重点内容之一,而使用高级句型是提高英语作文水平的关键之一。下面我们将总结一些常用的高级句型,帮助大家在写作中更加得心应手。   1. 倒装句    例句:Only in this way can we achieve our goals.    翻译:只有这样,我们才能实现我们的目标。   2. 强调句    例句:It is in China that I have found true happiness.    翻译:我是在中国才找到真正的幸福。   3. 虚拟语气    例句:If I were you, I would seize the opportunity.    翻译:如果我是你,我会抓住这个机会。   4. 否定副词开头倒装    例句:Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.    翻译:我从未见过如此美丽的日落。   5. 分词结构    例句:Excited by the news, she couldn't help crying.    翻译:被这个消息激动,她情不自禁地哭了起来。   6. 非限制性定语从句    例句:The Great Wall, which is over 6000 kilometers long, attracts millions of tourists every year.    翻译:长达6000多公里的长城每年吸引着数以百万计的游客。     高考英语作文高级句型结构


    ① It will be + some time + before…

    It won’t be long before humans visit the Mars.

    ② It is + adj./n.+ for sb to do sth.

    It is very important for us to learn computer well, because it has changed our life so much.

    He said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts.

    ③ It is + 被强调部分 + that…

    1) It is what Yang Liwei has done that encourages us a lot.

    2) Those who like reading extensively say it is through reading that we get our knowledge.

    more …than any other 表示最高级

    Among the optional courses, spoken English and computer study are more popular than any one else.


    ① It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk.

    ② My hometown is no longer what it used to be.


    ① The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street. It is not far from Jianxin Chinese School.→

    The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School.

    ② It was quite an experience for us both, which I’ll never forget for the rest of my life.


    ① I don’t know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well.

    ② We’ll mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games, and meeting people.

    ③ Hearing this, a few people began to run after him.

    ④ Born in American, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.


    ① A terrible accident happened yesterday, with nine people killed and almost eighty injured.

    ② He was carrying a bedroll and a large bag on his shoulder, with a large suitcase in his left hand.


    ① The library is to the east of the teaching building. →

    East of the teaching building is the library.

    ② Although we are tired, we are happy.→

    Tired as we are, we are happy.

    ③ Only in this way can he grow to be a useful man.

    ④ May all your dreams come true! May our friendship last till the end of the universe!

