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初中英语看图作文:A Poor Boy Had a Good Idea 可怜的孩子有了个好主意


初中英语看图作文:A Poor Boy Had a Good Idea 可怜的孩子有了个好主意

初中英语看图作文:A Poor Boy Had a Good Idea 可怜的孩子有了个好主意

A Poor Boy Had a Good Idea


Lin Lin was a busy boy. After school he must go straight back home and begin his drawing lesson. His father taught him how to draw. Every day he must learn to draw a picture.

One day his father asked him to draw apples. He put three apples on the table and asked, “How many apples are there on the table?”

“Three apples.” Lin Lin replied.

“Right! Draw the three apples.” his father said and went out.

Lin Lin thought it was really too difficult to draw three apples. After a while he had an idea. He ate two of them and then finished the drawing one apple on the paper in a few minutes. When his father came back he was surprised to see the picture. But when he found there was only one apple left on the table, he knew everything about it.


1)go straight back home 直接回家

2)learn to draw a picture 学画一幅画

3)after a while 过了一会儿

4)have a good idea 有了个好主意

5)in a few minutes 几分钟

6)he was surprised to see 他很吃惊地看到

7)There was only one apple left on the table. 桌子上只留下一个苹果。

A Poor Boy Had a Good Idea 《可怜的孩子有了个好主意》

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among green hills, there lived a poor boy named Xiao Ming. He lived with his elderly grandmother in a humble cottage at the edge of the village. Despite their poverty, Xiao Ming was known for his cheerful disposition and inventive mind.

One day, while wandering through the village, Xiao Ming noticed that many people struggled to carry heavy loads of firewood from the forest to their homes. Seeing an opportunity, Xiao Ming came up with a brilliant idea. He decided to build a simple wooden cart that could be used to transport firewood more efficiently.

With his limited resources, Xiao Ming collected discarded wooden planks and rusty wheels from the village junkyard. With determination and hard work, he managed to assemble a sturdy cart. Excited about his invention, Xiao Ming demonstrated how the cart could easily carry heavy loads of firewood with minimal effort.

Word of Xiao Ming's invention quickly spread throughout the village, and soon, many villagers approached him, eager to purchase one of his carts. With the money he earned from selling his carts, Xiao Ming was able to provide for his grandmother and improve their living conditions.

Thanks to his creativity and hard work, Xiao Ming transformed his family's life and became a respected member of the community. From that day on, he was known as the boy who turned a simple idea into a solution that benefited everyone in the village.






下一篇:名篇背诵:Happiness 幸福