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每日翻译: 许多人喜欢去玩卡拉OK,因为觉得卡拉OK令人兴奋;但也有人根本不想去,因为觉得卡拉OK太吵。


每日翻译: 许多人喜欢去玩卡拉OK,因为觉得卡拉OK令人兴奋;但也有人根本不想去,因为觉得卡拉OK太吵。

  • 每日翻译:


    • Many people enjoy going to play karaoke because they find it exciting, but there are also people who don't want to go at all because they think it's too noisy.
    • Karaoke is a popular pastime for many, as it provides an exciting atmosphere; however, some individuals avoid it entirely due to the noise level.
    • A lot of individuals prefer going out for karaoke because they find the activity thrilling, while others choose not to go because they see it as too loud.
    • Karaoke is a favorite activity for many people who enjoy the excitement it brings, but some people avoid it altogether due to its noise.
    • For many, playing karaoke is a fun activity as it creates a lively atmosphere, but there are also people who dislike it due to the noise levels.


    Many people like to go to the karaoke, because they find it exciting; But there are also people who don't want to go at all, because they think it too noisy.

    • many (许多)
    • people (人们)
    • like (喜欢)
    • go (去)
    • karaoke (卡拉OK)
    • find (发现)
    • exciting (令人兴奋的)
    • but (但是)
    • there are also (也有)
    • don't want (不想要)
    • because (因为)
    • think (认为)
    • too (太)
    • noisy (吵闹的)
    • 不定式结构:like to go, find it exciting
    • 从句:because they find it exciting; because they think it too noisy
    • 并列连词:but
    • 形容词修饰:too noisy