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  • 雅思考试是全球范围内最受欢迎的英语语言能力测试之一,其中小作文部分占据了整个考试的很大一部分分值。在小作文中,考生需要展示出自己良好的写作能力,因此使用恰当的词汇尤为重要。本文将介绍一些常用的雅思小作文词汇,以帮助考生提高表达水平。   1. depict 描述 例如:The graph depicts the changes in the population of the city over the past decade.   2. demonstrate 展示 例如:This chart demonstrates the trends in consumer spending over the last year.   3. illustrate 阐述 例如:The data presented in the table illustrates the relationship between income and education level.   4. indicate 表明 例如:The study indicates that there is a correlation between exercise and mental health.   5. reveal 揭示 例如:The findings of the survey reveal that many people are unaware of the effects of air pollution.   6. compare 比较 例如:In this essay, I will compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city versus a small town.   7. contrast 对比 例如:The chart provides a contrast between the number of male and female students enrolled in science courses.   8. highlight 强调 例如:The purpose of this report is to highlight the importance of renewable energy sources.   9. emphasize 强调 例如:The speaker emphasized the need for more government funding for education.   10. suggest 暗示 例如:The data suggests that there may be a link between diet and cancer.   以上是一些常用的雅思小作文词汇,考生可以根据自己的实际需求进行选择和应用。同时,在使用这些词汇时,还应该注意语法和用词准确性,以确保表达的清晰和准确。希望本文能对考生提高雅思小作文表达水平有所帮助。