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每日翻译: 像许多西方人那样经常不吃早餐,并不是聪明的做法。我们中国人说:早餐要饱,午餐要好,晚餐要少,这从科学上来说无


每日翻译: 像许多西方人那样经常不吃早餐,并不是聪明的做法。我们中国人说:早餐要饱,午餐要好,晚餐要少,这从科学上来说无

  • 每日翻译:



    1. Skipping breakfast as many Westerners often do is not a wise choice. As we Chinese say, breakfast should be filling, lunch should be nutritious, and dinner should be light, which is undoubtedly scientifically correct.

    2. It's not smart to frequently skip breakfast like many Western people do. We Chinese believe that breakfast should be satisfying, lunch should be wholesome, and dinner should be small, which is scientifically proven to be true.

    3. Frequently missing breakfast, a habit common among Westerners, is not a clever practice. In Chinese culture, we emphasize the importance of a hearty breakfast, a balanced lunch, and a light dinner, which is scientifically sound advice.

    4. Choosing not to eat breakfast, a common behavior among some Westerners, is not a smart decision. As the Chinese saying goes, breakfast should be substantial, lunch should be nourishing, and dinner should be minimal, which is scientifically justified.


    It is unwise to usually go without breakfast like many westerners do. We Chinese say: have a full breakfast, a nice lunch, and a light dinner -- this is, no doubt, scientifically correct.

    • unwise: 不明智的
    • usually: 通常
    • go without: 没有……而生活
    • breakfast: 早餐
    • westerners: 西方人
    • Chinese: 中国人
    • full: 饱的
    • nice: 好的
    • lunch: 午餐
    • light: 轻的,少量的
    • dinner: 晚餐
    • scientifically correct: 科学正确的
    • It is unwise to do something: 做某事是不明智的
    • Usually go without something: 通常没有……而生活
    • Like many westerners do: 像许多西方人那样
    • We Chinese say: 我们中国人说
    • Have a full breakfast, a nice lunch, and a light dinner: 吃一顿饱的早餐,一顿好的午餐,一顿轻的晚餐
    • This is, no doubt, scientifically correct: 这无疑是科学正确的