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as likely as not 不是可能不


as likely as not 不是可能不

Mr. Norman will help you, as likely as not. 【误译】诺曼先生不可能帮助你。 【正确】诺曼先生很可能会帮助你。 说明:as likely as not是固定结构,看起来似乎是否定语,实际上它是肯定语,意为“很可能”。 "As likely as not" 是一个英语短语,意思是“很有可能”,通常用来表达一种不确定的可能性,比如说某个事件发生的概率不高但也不低,或者无法确定某个结果是对还是错。 在现代英语中,“as likely as not”通常用来表达某个事物或事件有相当大的可能性,例如: - As likely as not, it will rain tomorrow. (明天下雨的可能性很大。) - He might show up, but as likely as not he won't. (他可能会出现,但也有可能不会。) - The decision could go either way - as likely as not, it will depend on the judge's mood. (这个决定可能会有两种结果 - 很有可能是取决于法官的心情。)

上一篇:April weather 不是 四月的天气
下一篇:around the corner 不是拐角