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名篇背诵:A Little Great Man (Ⅰ) 小小的大人物(一)


名篇背诵:A Little Great Man (Ⅰ) 小小的大人物(一)

A Little Great Man (Ⅰ) 小小的大人物(一)

奥利弗·哥尔德斯密斯(Oliver Goldsmith)

I was yesterday invited by a gentleman to dinner, who promised that our entertainment should consist of an haunch of venison, a turtle, and a great man. I came, according to appointment. The venison was fine, the turtle good, but the great man insupportable . The moment I ventured to speak, I was at once contradicted with a snap. I attempted, by a second and a third assault, to retrieve my lost reputation, but was still beat back with confusion. I was resolved to attack him once more from entrenchment , and turned the conversation upon the government of China: but even here he asserted, snapped, and contradicted as before. Heavens, thought I, this man pretends to know China even better than myself! I looked round to see who was on my side, but every eye was fixed in admiration on the great man, I therefore, at last thought proper to sit silent, and act the pretty gentleman during the ensuing conversation.

When a man has once secured a circle of admirers, he may be as ridiculous here as he thinks proper and it all passes for elevation of sentiment, or learned absence. If he transgresses the common forms of breeding, mistakes even a teapot for a tobacco-box, it is said, that his thoughts are fixed on more important objects: to speak and act like the rest of mankind is to be no greater than they. There is something of oddity in the very idea of greatness; for we are seldom astonished at a thing very much resembling ourselves.

- haunch [hɔːntʃ] n. (动物的)腰腿

- venison [ˈvenɪzn] n. 鹿肉,野味

- insupportable [ˌɪnsəˈpɔːtəbl] a. 难以忍受的

- retrieve [rɪˈtriːv] v. 挽回,重新得到

- entrenchment [ɪnˈtrentʃmənt] n. 堑壕,堡垒

- ensue [ɪnˈsjuː] v. 接着而来

- transgress [trænsˈɡres] v. 超过,违背



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