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  • 鳄鱼,在英语中被称为 "crocodile"。这个词汇的发音为 /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/,其中 "cro-" 部分念作 /krəʊ/, "co-" 部分念作 /kɒ/, "di-" 部分念作 /daɪl/。   以下是一些使用 "crocodile" 的相关例句:   1. The crocodile is a fearsome predator in the wild.(鳄鱼是野外的可怕捕食者。) 2. Be cautious when you approach the river, as there might be crocodiles lurking in the water.(当你靠近河边时要小心,因为水中可能潜伏着鳄鱼。) 3. The zoo has a special exhibit showcasing various species of crocodiles.(动物园有一个特别的展览,展示了各种不同的鳄鱼物种。) 4. Crocodiles have strong jaws and sharp teeth, which they use to catch their prey.(鳄鱼有强大的下颚和锋利的牙齿,它们用来捕捉猎物。) 5. Crocodile leather is often used to make luxury goods like handbags and shoes.(鳄鱼皮经常用于制作奢侈品,如手提包和鞋子。)   通过以上例句,我们可以了解到 "crocodile" 这个词汇在描述鳄鱼时的常见用法。它不仅用于科学和自然领域的描述,还可以涉及到动物园、皮革制品等相关话题。

    Crocodile - 鳄鱼
    Alligator - 短吻鳄
    Caiman - 凯门鳄
    Gavial - 长嘴鳄
    Gaboon viper - 加蓬蝰蛇
    Monitor lizard - 巨蜥
    Water dragon - 水龙
    Saltwater crocodile - 咸水鳄
    Nile crocodile - 尼罗河鳄
    American alligator - 美洲短吻鳄

    1. Crocodile tears - 鳄鱼的眼泪,指虚伪的同情或悲伤。 2. Cry like a crocodile - 像鳄鱼一样哭泣,形容一个人非常伤心或愤怒。 3. Playing the crocodile game - 玩鳄鱼游戏,指欺骗、诈骗或诱骗别人。 4. Crocodile smile - 鳄鱼的微笑,指虚伪的笑容或不真诚的表情。 5. Crocodile jaws - 鳄鱼的嘴巴,形容一个人的嘴巴很大或咬合力很强。 6. Crocodile belly - 鳄鱼的肚子,指一个人的胃口很大或食量很大。 7. Crocodile tears and false sympathy - 鳄鱼的眼泪和虚假的同情,形容一个人假装关心别人,实际上却别有用心。 有关鳄鱼的英语美文

    Crocodiles: Ancient Guardians of the Rivers

    Crocodiles, with their armored bodies and fierce demeanor, have long captivated the human imagination. These prehistoric creatures have roamed the Earth for millions of years, evolving into perfect aquatic predators. From the Nile River to the swamps of Australia, crocodiles are revered as ancient guardians of the rivers.



    With their powerful jaws and sharp teeth, crocodiles are apex predators in their ecosystems. Their stealthy nature and streamlined bodies allow them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, making them formidable hunters. They patiently wait for the perfect moment to strike, launching themselves from the water with incredible speed.


    Despite their ferocity, crocodiles play an essential role in maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystems they inhabit. They regulate the populations of prey species, preventing overpopulation and ensuring the survival of other aquatic organisms. Their presence also shapes the physical landscape, creating habitats for a variety of species.


    Sadly, crocodiles have faced numerous threats over the years, primarily due to habitat destruction and illegal hunting. Conservation efforts, however, have helped protect these magnificent creatures and their habitats. Today, crocodile sanctuaries and protected areas serve as crucial refuges for these ancient guardians of the rivers.


    In a world where nature's balance is continuously challenged, the preservation of crocodiles stands as a testament to our commitment to safeguarding biodiversity. Let us remember that these ancient creatures, with their primeval beauty, remind us of the importance of coexisting with the natural world.

