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每日翻译: 太平洋几乎和其他三个打样加起来一样大,其最深部分达到海平面下10973米,这个震度甚至超过了喜马拉雅山上世界上最高峰


每日翻译: 太平洋几乎和其他三个打样加起来一样大,其最深部分达到海平面下10973米,这个震度甚至超过了喜马拉雅山上世界上最高峰

  • 每日翻译:


    • The Pacific Ocean is nearly as large as the other three combined, with its deepest part reaching a depth of 10,973 meters below sea level, which exceeds even the height of the world's highest peak on the Himalayas.
    • The Pacific Ocean is approximately the same size as the other three combined, and its deepest point reaches a depth of 10,973 meters below sea level, surpassing the height of the highest peak in the Himalayas.
    • The Pacific Ocean is almost equal in size to the sum of the other three oceans, and its deepest point extends to a depth of 10,973 meters below sea level, exceeding even the height of the world's tallest mountain peak in the Himalayas.


    The pacific ocean is almost as large as the other three combind, its deepest part being 10973 m below sea level -- a distance even greater than the height of earth's tallest peak in the himalayas.

    重点解读: Pacific Ocean - 太平洋
    almost as large as - 几乎和...一样大
    the other three combined - 其他三个的总和
    deepest part - 最深处
    10,973 m below sea level - 海平面下10,973米
    a distance even greater than - 甚至超过了一个距离
    the height of Earth's tallest peak - 地球上最高峰的高度
    in the Himalayas - 在喜马拉雅山区
    比较级的使用:通过“almost as large as”来进行太平洋和其他三大洋的比较,强调了太平洋的巨大规模。   形容词最高级的使用:通过“the deepest part”和“Earth's tallest peak”来强调地球上最深处和最高峰的高度。   非限定性定语从句的使用:通过“a distance even greater than”引出非限定性定语从句,进一步说明最深处的数字的重要性。   介词短语的使用:通过“below sea level”来描述最深处的位置。   数字的使用:通过具体数字“10973”来量化最深处的深度,突出了太平洋的深度之大。
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