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订货英语情景对话 订货英语邮件怎么写


订货英语情景对话 订货英语邮件怎么写

  • 关于订货的英语词汇

    1. 订货 (Place an order) - 提出购买请求或要求

    - We need to place an order for more inventory to meet the demand.

    2. 供应商 (Supplier) - 提供产品或服务的公司或个人

    - We are looking for a reliable supplier for our new product line.

    3. 采购 (Procurement) - 购买商品或服务的过程

    - Our procurement team is responsible for sourcing and purchasing materials.

    4. 询价 (Request for Quotation/RFQ) - 请求供应商提供价格报价

    - Before placing an order, we always send out an RFQ to multiple suppliers.

    5. 最低订购量 (Minimum Order Quantity/MOQ) - 供应商要求的最低购买量

    - The MOQ for this product is 100 units.

    6. 交货日期 (Delivery Date) - 预计交付商品的日期

    - Can you confirm the delivery date for our order?

    7. 折扣 (Discount) - 降低商品价格的优惠

    - If we order in bulk, can we get a discount?

    8. 运费 (Shipping Fee) - 运送商品所需的费用

    - The shipping fee will be added to the total cost of your order.

    9. 付款方式 (Payment Method) - 完成订单支付的方式

    - We accept various payment methods, including credit card and bank transfer.

    10. 退货政策 (Return Policy) - 关于商品退还和退款的规定

    - Please review our return policy before placing an order.


    A: Hello, I'd like to place an order for some products.


    B: Sure, what kind of products are you interested in?


    A: I'm looking for some office supplies, such as pens, notebooks, and folders.


    B: Great, how many of each item would you like to order?


    A: I'd like to order 50 pens, 100 notebooks, and 200 folders.


    B: Alright, please provide me with your contact information so we can process the order.


    A: My name is John Smith and my email address is johnsmith@email.com.


    B: Thank you, Mr. Smith. We will send you an invoice and confirmation of your order shortly.


    A: That sounds great. Thank you for your help.


    B: You're welcome. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.



    ❶ 你们想订购多少?How many are you interested in ordering?

    同类表达 What's the quantity? 数量是多少?

    这样回答 We want to make a trial order for 100 units. 我们想试订购100件。

    ❷ 贵公司一个订单的最低订货量是多少?Could you please tell me the minimum quantity required in an order?

    这样回答 The minimum quantity required is 2,000 units. 最低订货量是2 000件。

    ❸ 我们有大量库存。We keep a large supply in stock.

    这样提问 Do you have any in stock? 你们有现货吗?

    ❹ 我们想要下单订购500台电脑。We want to place an order with you for 500 computers.

    同类表达 I'd like to place an order for a number of your new products. 我们想要订购一批你们的新产品。

    ❺ 我们的存货有些不足。Our inventory is running a little low.

    同类表达 I am sorry to inform you that the product you ordered is currently out of stock. 很遗憾地通知您,您定购的产品目前缺货。

    ❻ 我们将全力以赴完成你们的订单。We'll do all we can to fulfill your order.

    同类表达 We'll be able to complete production within one month. 我们能在一个月内完成生产工作。

    ❼ 我希望订单源源不断。I hope this order is followed by many other orders.

    同类表达 If the goods sell well, we will give you larger orders in the future. 如果销售情况良好,将来我们会给你们下更大的订单。

    ❽ How many sets of this type of washing machine do you intend to order? 这种洗衣机您想订购多少台?

    ❾ 这是试购单。This is a trial order.

    同类表达 I'd like to place a trial order for 200 units. 我想试购200件。

    ❿ 若不能立即发货,我们将取消订单。Either the delivery is immediate, or we'll cancel the order.

    同类表达 How long will it take to get these products? 多长时间可以收到货?




    1. 产品名称和数量:

    - 产品1:数量(请注明单位)

    - 产品2:数量(请注明单位)

    - ...

    2. 规格和要求:请提供产品的详细规格,包括尺寸、材料、颜色等。

    3. 交付日期:请提供您能够按时交付产品的日期和时间。

    4. 价格和支付方式:请提供产品的单价,并说明支付方式,如银行转账、信用证等。

    5. 运输方式:请说明您通常使用的运输方式和相关费用。

    6. 发票和文件:请提供商品发票,并列出所有附加文件,如装箱单、质量证明书等。

    7. 其他要求:如果有其他特殊要求,请在此处列出。








    I am the purchasing manager of XXX company, and I would like to place an order for the following products with your company.


    - 产品1:1000个

    - 产品2:500个

    - 产品3: 300个

    Product Name and Quantity:

    - Product 1: 1000 units

    - Product 2: 500 units

    - Product 3: 300 units


    Specifications and Requirements: Please provide detailed specifications for the products, including dimensions, materials, and colors.


    Delivery Date: We require the products to be delivered by December 1, 2023.


    Price and Payment Terms: Please provide unit prices for the products and specify payment terms, such as bank transfer or letter of credit.


    Shipping Method: Please specify the usual shipping method and associated costs.


    Invoices and Documentation: Please provide commercial invoices and list all additional documentation, such as packing lists and certificates of quality.


    Other Requirements: If there are any specific requirements, please list them here.


    Please confirm at your earliest convenience whether you can meet our order requirements and provide details. If you have any questions or need further discussion, please feel free to contact me. We look forward to establishing a long-term partnership with your company.




    Thank you!

    Best regards,

    Purchasing Manager

    XXX Company

