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      翻译成英语可以有以下几种方式:   1. It is well known that China has abundant natural resources, which provides favorable conditions for the development of agriculture and industry.    - 这句话利用了 "It is well known that..." 这种表达方式,引出了一个公认的事实。接着使用 "abundant natural resources" 描述中国的自然资源丰富,然后说明这为工农业的发展提供了有利条件。   2. As is widely recognized, China boasts rich natural resources, enabling favorable conditions for the development of both agriculture and industry.    - 这个句子以 "As is widely recognized," 开头,表明了这一点是被广泛认可的。接着使用 "boasts rich natural resources" 这个短语形象地描述了中国拥有丰富的自然资源,然后指出这为农业和工业的发展创造了有利条件。   3. China is widely acknowledged to have abundant natural resources, creating favorable conditions for the development of agriculture and industry in various forms.    - 这个句子以 "China is widely acknowledged to have..." 开头,强调了中国被广泛承认拥有丰富的自然资源。使用了 "creating favorable conditions for..." 这个结构突出了这些资源对农业和工业发展的积极影响,并加入了 "in various forms" 进一步丰富了表达。   4. It is common knowledge that China possesses a wealth of natural resources, which offers excellent conditions for the development of agriculture and industry.    - 这个句子以 "It is common knowledge that..." 开头,强调了这是一个常识。使用了 "possesses a wealth of natural resources" 这个短语强调了中国拥有丰富的自然资源,然后指出这些资源为农业和工业的发展提供了优越条件。  


    China is known to be very rich in natural resources;this puts her in a good position to develop her industry and agriculture.

    上一篇:考研复习:英语写作必看学习方法指导 考研写作复习规划