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跟我没关系 ,不是没关系 ,看清楚!


跟我没关系 ,不是没关系 ,看清楚!

  • 跟我没关系 的英文表达方式:It's not my concern

    有时候,当我们不想参与或担心某件事情时,我们可能会说 "跟我没关系"。在英语中,可以使用表达方式 "It's not my concern" 来传达这个意思。   这个表达方式中的 "concern" 在这里指的是某事引起的担忧、兴趣或责任感。通过说 "It's not my concern",我们明确表达了对这件事情的无关和不参与。   举例解读: 1. A: "你听说了吗?他们正在议论你的私生活。"    B: "跟我没关系,我不在乎他们怎么说。"    A: "Did you hear? They are gossiping about your personal life."    B: "It's not my concern, I don't care about what they say."   在这个对话中,B 表示不关心其他人对他私生活的议论,他强调了自己对于这个问题的无关。   2. A: "你能帮我解决这个问题吗?"    B: "抱歉,这跟我没关系,你需要找别人帮忙。"    A: "Can you help me solve this problem?"    B: "Sorry, it's not my concern, you need to find someone else to help."   在这个对话中,B 表示这个问题与他无关,建议 A 找其他人寻求帮助。    

    "跟我没关系" 的其他应用实例:

    1. It's none of my business. (这与我无关)

    Example: When my friends were arguing about politics, I stayed quiet because it's none of my business.


    2. It has nothing to do with me. (这与我没有关系)

    Example: The decision about which movie to watch has nothing to do with me, so I'll let you guys decide.


    3. It's not my concern. (这不是我的关心事)

    Example: My colleague's personal problems are not my concern, so I won't get involved.


    4. It's not my responsibility. (这不是我的责任)

    Example: The failure of the project is not my responsibility, as I completed my assigned tasks on time.


    5. I'm not involved. (我没有参与)

    Example: The team is facing a conflict, but I'm not involved, so I'll stay out of it.


    6. It's out of my hands. (这超出了我的控制)

    Example: The decision to cancel the event is out of my hands; it's up to the higher management.


    7. It's not up to me. (这不由我决定)

    Example: The final verdict on the case is not up to me; it's in the hands of the judge.


    8. It's not my place to say. (不该由我说)

    Example: When people were discussing a sensitive topic, I felt it's not my place to say anything, as I didn't have enough knowledge about it.


    9. I have no say in this. (我对此无发言权)

    Example: The company's decision on restructuring was made by the board of directors; I have no say in this matter.


    10. It's not my call. (这不是我决定)

    Example: The manager will decide who gets promoted; it's not my call to make.


    用于安慰的 "没关系"的英文表达方式:It's okay / It's alright / Don't worry about it

      当我们想要安慰他人或告诉他们不必担心时,常常会用到 "没关系" 这个表达。在英语中,有几种常用的表达方式可以传达这个意思,包括 "It's okay"、"It's alright" 和 "Don't worry about it"。   这些表达方式都能够有效地传达出你对他人的安慰和理解,帮助他们放心并消除担忧。   举例解读: 1. A: "我刚才打翻了你的咖啡,非常抱歉!"    B: "没关系,不要担心,这只是个意外。"    A: "I accidentally spilled your coffee just now, I'm so sorry!"    B: "It's okay, don't worry about it, it was just an accident."   在这个对话中,B 安慰了 A,并告诉他不必担心,因为咖啡洒出来只是个意外。   2. A: "我失败了,感觉一切都毫无意义。"    B: "别难过,每个人都会经历失败,这没关系的。重要的是你努力过。"    A: "I failed and I feel like everything is meaningless."    B: "Don't be upset, everyone experiences failure, it's okay. What matters is that you tried."   在这个对话中,B 安慰了 A,并告诉他失败是正常的,重要的是曾经努力过。  