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- Promotion

- Sales Promotion

- Discount

- Special Offer

- Buy One Get One Free (BOGO)

- Loyalty Points

- Limited Time Offer

- Free Gift

- Rebate

- Clearance Sale

英语作文:Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is a vital aspect of marketing that businesses use to boost sales and attract customers. It involves various strategies aimed at increasing the demand for products or services. These strategies can range from temporary price reductions to offering additional value through gifts or loyalty programs.

One common form of sales promotion is the discount, where a percentage of the original price is reduced for a limited time. This can be particularly effective during seasonal sales or special occasions. Another popular method is the "Buy One Get One Free" (BOGO) offer, which encourages customers to purchase more than they initially intended.

Loyalty programs are another effective tool in sales promotion. By rewarding customers with points for each purchase, businesses can encourage repeat business and build a loyal customer base. These points can often be redeemed for discounts or free products, adding value for the customer.

Limited time offers create a sense of urgency, prompting customers to act quickly to take advantage of the deal before it expires. This strategy can be powerful in driving immediate sales.

In conclusion, sales promotion is a dynamic and essential part of marketing that can significantly impact a business's success. By offering incentives and creating excitement around products, companies can not only increase sales but also foster customer loyalty and enhance their brand's reputation.







❶ 有什么促销活动吗?Do you have any promotions?

对话 A: Do you have any promotions? 有什么促销活动吗?

B: Sorry, they are new arrivals. 抱歉,这些是新品。

❷ 明天有大减价活动。There is a huge sale tomorrow.

对话 A: Let's go shopping. There is a huge sale tomorrow. 咱们去购物吧。明天有大减价活动。

B: I heard about that, too. 我也听说了。

❸ 我可以给你打九折。I can give you a 10% discount.

对话 A: The trousers are a little expensive for me. 这条裤子对我来说有点贵。

B: I can give you a 10% discount. 我可以给你打九折。

❹ 我们今天清仓大甩卖。We have a clearance sale today.

对话 A: Do you have discount now? 你们现在有折扣吗?

B: Yes. We have a clearance sale today. 是的,我们今天清仓大甩卖。

❺ 买一赠一。Buy one, get one free.

对话 A: What kind of promotion do you have now? 你们现在有什么促销活动?

B: Buy one, get one free. 买一赠一。

❻ 大甩卖是什么时候?When are the big sales?

对话 A: When are the big sales? 大甩卖是什么时候?

B: From June to July. 从六月到七月。

A: What about the winter? 冬季的呢?

B: That's in December. 在十二月。

❼ 买多一点有折扣吗?Can I get a discount if I buy more?

对话 A: Can I get a discount if I buy more? 买多一点有折扣吗?

B: The items are discounted. 这些已经打过折了。

❽ 如果您要买三件,我可以给您打七折。If you're buying three pieces, I can give you a 30% discount.

❾ 这真的很划算。It is a real bargain.

对话 A: We are offering a 20% discount now. 我们现在打八折。

B: It is a real bargain. 这真的很划算。

❿ 这款羊毛衫今天打折。The sweater is on sale today.

对话 A: The sweater is on sale today. 这款羊毛衫今天打折。

B: I want to try it on. 我想试穿一下。

A: OK. The fitting room is over there. 好的,试衣间在那里。

上一篇:初中英语议论文和说明文:Cloning 克隆
下一篇:名篇背诵:The English and the Americans 英国人和美国人