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初中英语议论文和说明文:Cloning 克隆


初中英语议论文和说明文:Cloning 克隆

初中英语议论文和说明文:Cloning 克隆



You can read the word “cloning” quite often in the newspaper. I find it very interesting. It seems like a fairy story. With cloning you will be copied. Today, scientists can clone some large animals. Doctors are in the process of cloning humans though it is not allowed in most of the countries.

Cloning brings a lot of questions. If someone can come to the world with only one parent, will he or she be happy? My grandmother died a few years ago. I miss her very much. If she can be cloned into a new one, I'll be very happy but confused. What shall I call her after she comes into the world? Because “she - my grandmother” is younger than I.


1)It seems like a fairy story. 这简直像个神话故事。

2)With cloning you will be copied. 用克隆技术你可被复制。

3)in the process of 在……的过程中

4)What shall I call her after she comes into the world? 她来到这个世界后我该如何称呼她?

初中英语作文:Cloning 克隆

Cloning is a scientific process that creates an exact copy of an organism. This technology has been a topic of debate and fascination for many years. The idea of creating a duplicate of a living being raises both ethical and scientific questions.

In the early days, cloning was a concept that existed only in science fiction. However, in 1996, scientists successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly, using a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer. This breakthrough opened the door to the possibility of cloning other animals and even humans.

The process of cloning involves taking the genetic material from one organism and transferring it into an egg cell that has had its own genetic material removed. The egg cell is then stimulated to develop into an embryo, which is implanted into a surrogate mother. If all goes well, the surrogate mother gives birth to a clone of the original organism.

While cloning has the potential to benefit humanity in many ways, such as producing genetically identical animals for medical research or preserving endangered species, it also raises serious ethical concerns. The idea of creating life in a laboratory challenges our understanding of nature and the uniqueness of each individual.

Moreover, cloning raises questions about the welfare of the cloned animals. Experiments with cloning have shown that it is not always successful, and cloned animals often suffer from health problems. This raises concerns about the morality of subjecting living beings to such risks.

In conclusion, cloning is a complex and controversial topic. While it offers exciting possibilities for science and medicine, it also poses significant ethical challenges. As we move forward with this technology, it is crucial to carefully consider the implications and ensure that we proceed with caution and respect for all forms of life.







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