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名篇背诵:Husband and Wife Feeling Estranged 夫妻反目


名篇背诵:Husband and Wife Feeling Estranged 夫妻反目

Husband and Wife Feeling Estranged 夫妻反目

阿瑟·黑利(Arthur Hailey)

Ruth said, with a trace of her earlier anger, “There is no other man. Can't you get that through your thick head? There never has been. I came to you a virgin — you know that, unless you've forgotten or have me confused with one of your other girl friends. And there hasn't been anyone else but you since.”

Nim winced because he did remember, but persisted, “Then what were you doing...?”

“That's my private business. But I'm telling you again: it wasn't a man.”

He believed her. Absolutely.

“Oh Christ!” he said, and thought everything was coming apart at once, most of what he had done and said recently had turned out to be wrong. As to their marriage,he wasn't sure if he wanted it to go on or not. Maybe Ruth was right, and getting out would be the best thing for them both. The idea of personal freedom was attractive. On the other hand, there was a good deal he would miss — the children, home, a sense of stability, even Ruth, despite their having grown apart. Not wanting to be forced to a decision, wishing that what was happening could have been postponed, he asked almost plaintively , “So where do we go from here?”

- estranged [ɪˈstreɪndʒd] a. 分居的,决裂的

- wince [wɪns] v. 皱眉蹙额

- plaintively [ˈpleɪntɪvlɪ] ad. 哀伤地






阿瑟·黑利(1920—2004),出生于英国,影视剧本作家兼小说家。家贫读不起大学,先后当过房地产经纪人、营销经理、编辑。第一部长篇小说是《最后诊断》(The Final Diagnosis ,1959),此外还写了很多小说和剧本,有的被改编成电影或电视剧,例如《烈药》(Strong Medicine ,1975),《大饭店》(Hotel ,1965),《负荷》(Overload ,1978)等,最出名的是《航空港》(Airport ,1968)。

上一篇:初中写人的英语作文:The Wright Brothers 莱特兄弟