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初中写人的英语作文:The Wright Brothers 莱特兄弟


初中写人的英语作文:The Wright Brothers 莱特兄弟

初中写人的英语作文:The Wright Brothers 莱特兄弟

The Wright Brothers


For thousands of years, men couldn't fly like birds in the sky. But the Wright brothers were men of perseverance. They showed great enthusiasm in their new idea. They did what others couldn't do. Although they were not educated men, they had never given up their dream. People all over the world were excited with joy at their success. In fact, before the first plane rose into the sky, they had failed many times. Their perseverance is the best model to all of us.


1)men of perseverance(两个)有毅力的人

2)show great enthusiasm in their new idea 对他们的新想法有极大的热情

3)to do what others can't do 做了别人做不到的事

4)educated men 受过良好教育的人

5)to give up one's dream 放弃梦想

6)be excited with joy at their success 为他们的成功而欣喜

7)Their perseverance is the best model to all of us. 他们坚韧不拔的意志是我们大家最好的榜样。

The Wright Brothers: Pioneers of Flight

In the annals of human history, few stories are as inspiring as that of the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur. These two American inventors are renowned for their groundbreaking achievements in aviation, which have forever changed the way we explore the skies.

Orville and Wilbur were born into a family that valued education and hard work. From a young age, they were captivated by the idea of human flight. Inspired by the works of earlier aviation pioneers and their own ingenuity, they set out to conquer the skies.

Their journey was not without its challenges. The brothers faced numerous setbacks and failures. However, their resilience and dedication to their dream were unwavering. They conducted extensive research, studied the flight of birds, and experimented with various designs.

On December 17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the Wright brothers achieved what was once thought impossible. They successfully flew the first powered, controlled, and sustained airplane. This momentous occasion marked the beginning of a new era in transportation and technology.

The legacy of the Wright brothers endures to this day. Their pioneering spirit and innovative approach to problem-solving continue to inspire generations. They remind us that with determination, creativity, and a bit of daring, we can overcome the greatest of obstacles and reach new heights.

The Wright brothers' story is a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the pursuit of dreams. As we look to the future, let us carry forward their legacy of exploration and innovation. For in the words of Wilbur Wright, "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."








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