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- Entry

- Immigration

- Customs

- Visa

- Passport

- Border Control

- Quarantine

- Health Declaration


The Process of Entry

Entering a new country is an exciting experience filled with anticipation and curiosity. However, it is also a process that requires careful preparation and adherence to regulations. The entry process begins with obtaining the necessary travel documents, such as a passport and visa, which serve as proof of identity and permission to enter the country.

Upon arrival, travelers must go through immigration, where their documents are checked, and they may be asked questions about the purpose and duration of their stay. This is also the time when declarations for customs are made, particularly if one is carrying items that are subject to duties or restrictions.

Customs clearance is a critical part of the entry process, ensuring that no prohibited items are brought into the country. Travelers are often required to fill out a customs form detailing the items they are carrying.

In the current global context, health and safety have become paramount. Many countries have implemented additional entry requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as presenting a negative COVID-19 test result or undergoing a period of quarantine upon arrival.

The entire process can be streamlined with proper preparation. It is essential to research the entry requirements of the destination country well in advance and to have all necessary documents ready to avoid any delays or complications.








❶ 我该从哪里通过海关检查?Where do I should through customs inspection?

同类表达 Do you know which line to follow? 你可以告诉我该走哪条通道吗?

You can follow the red line if you have anything to declare. 如果你有东西需要申报,请走红色通道。

❷ 我可以看看您的护照吗?May I have a look at your passport?

对话 A: May I have a look at your passport? 我可以看看您的护照吗?

B: Sure. Here you are. 当然可以,给您。

❸ 请出示您的护照和入境登记表。Passport and disembarkation card, please.

❹ 您来访的目的是什么?What is the purpose of your visit?

同类表达 What are you coming for? 您为什么来这里?

这样回答 I'm here on business. 我是来这里出差的。

❺ 我是来观光的。I'm here for sightseeing.

同类表达 My wife and I are on vacation. 我和我太太来度假。

I'm with a tourist group. 我是跟团来的。

❻ 您从哪个国家来的?Which country do you come from?

对话 A: Which country do you come from? 您来自哪个国家?

B: I come from China. 我来自中国。

❼ 您打算停留多久?How long do you plan to stay?

同类表达 How long will you be staying? 你会在这里待多久?

这样回答 I'll be here for three weeks. 我会在这里待三周。

❽ 旅行期间您会住在哪里?Where will you be staying during your traveling?

同类表达 Where are you going to stay? 你打算住哪里?

这样回答 We have hotel reservations in Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, and New York. 我们在拉斯维加斯、大峡谷和纽约都订了旅馆。

❾ 您有什么东西要申报吗?Do you have anything to declare?

同类表达 Have you got anything to declare?

Got any tobacco? Spirits? 带有香烟、烈酒吗?

❿ 请给我看一下你的申报单。Please show me your declaration form.

同类表达 Can I fill in a new customs declaration form now? 我现在可以重新填一份海关申报单吗?
