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1.Stroll - 漫步

2.Amble - 漫步,闲逛

3.Wander - 漫游,闲逛

4.Roam - 漫游,闲逛

5.Leisurely walk - 闲适的散步

6.Promenade - 散步,闲逛

7.Saunter - 闲逛,漫步

8.Ramble - 漫步,闲逛


A Leisurely Afternoon Stroll

On a pleasant afternoon, I decided to take a leisurely stroll through the park. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the greenery. I walked at a leisurely pace, enjoying the fresh air and the sound of birds chirping. The park was filled with people of all ages, some jogging, others walking their dogs, and children playing in the playground.

As I wandered, I noticed the vibrant colors of the flowers and the intricate patterns of the leaves. I took a moment to sit on a bench, observing the world around me. A gentle breeze brushed against my face, and I felt a sense of peace and contentment.

This simple act of walking without a destination allowed me to appreciate the beauty of nature and the joy of being present in the moment. It was a reminder that sometimes, the best way to relax is to just take a walk and let the world unfold before you.






❶ 我自己看看。I look around by myself.

对话 A: Can I help you? 我可以帮忙吗?

B: I look around by myself. 我自己看看。

❷ 我想再转转看。I want to look around some more.

对话 A: I want to look around some more. 我想再转转看。

B: OK, if you need help, please call me. 好的,如果你需要帮忙,请叫我。

❸ 这不完全是我要的。It is not exactly what I was looking for.

对话 A: Do you have an alteration service? 你们有修改服务吗?

B: Sorry, we don't. 抱歉,我们没有。

A: It is not exactly what I was looking for. 这不完全是我要的。

❹ 这里的东西我都不喜欢。Nothing here really appeals to me.

同类表达 I don't want either of them. 我两个都不喜欢。

I want them both. 我两个都喜欢。

对话 A: Which one do you like better? 你更喜欢哪个?

B: Nothing here really appeals to me. 这里的东西我都不喜欢。

❺ 我想今天就算了吧。I think I'll pass for today.

对话 A: I think I'll pass for today. 我想今天就算了吧。

B: Welcome to our shop next time. 欢迎下次光临。

❻ 我想再比较一下。I want to do some more comparison-shopping first.

同类表达 If you have an idea of what you're going to buy, comparison shop online first. 如果你想到要买什么,先在网店比较一下。

❼ 我想我还是不买了。I think I'll probably leave it.

❽ 我如果找不到其他的,就再回来。If I can't find anything else, I'll come back for it.

❾ 您随便挑。Take your pick.

对话 A: Look at the rack to the right. 您可以看看右边货架上的。

B: OK. 好的。

A: Take your pick. 随便挑。

❿ 你什么时候开始逛批发市场了?When do you come to wholesale market?

对话 A: When do you come to wholesale market? 你什么时候开始逛批发市场了?

B: I'm broke now. Remember? 我现在破产了。你记得吗?

A: I see. 我知道了。

上一篇:初中英语议论文和说明文:Pets and People 宠物和人
下一篇:名篇背诵:Music 音乐