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名篇背诵:Music 音乐


名篇背诵:Music 音乐

Music 音乐

沃尔特·惠特曼(Walter Whitman)

Never did music more sink into and soothe and fill me — never so prove its soul-rousing power, its impossibility of statement. Especially in the rendering of one of Beethoven's master septettes was I carried away, seeing, absorbing many wonders. Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; serious and firm monotones, as of winds; a horn sounding through the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges, angrily lashing, muttering, heavy; piercing peals of laughter, for interstices ; now and then weird, as Nature herself is in certain moods — but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless — often the sentiment of the postures of naked children playing or sleeping. It did me good even to watch the violinists drawing their bows so masterly — every motion a study. I allowed myself, as I sometimes do, to wander out of myself. The conceit came to me of a copious grove of singing birds, and in their midst a simple harmonic duo , two human souls, steadily asserting their own pensiveness, joyousness.

- soothe [suːð] v. 安慰,使平静

- rendering [ˈrendərɪŋ] n. 表演,演奏

- septette [sepˈtet] n. 七重奏

- tangle [ˈtæŋɡl] a. 纵横交错的

piercing peals 尖利而刺耳的

- interstice [ɪnˈtɜːstɪs] n. 空隙,间隙

- duo [ˈdjuːəʊ] n. 二重奏,二重唱


沃尔特·惠特曼(1819—1892),美国诗人、散文作家,生于纽约长岛,曾任教师、排字工人、记者等职。著作有《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass )。初版的《草叶集》被指责为“不道德的书”,因为诗的形式上有大胆革新。惠特曼是世界上最有影响的诗人之一。
