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名篇背诵:Of Avarice (Ⅰ) 论贪婪(一)


名篇背诵:Of Avarice (Ⅰ) 论贪婪(一)

Of Avarice (Ⅰ) 论贪婪(一)

亚伯拉罕·考利(Abraham Cowley)

There are two sorts of avarice : the one is but of a bastard kind, and that is, the rapacious appetite of gain; not for its own sake, but for the pleasure of refunding it immediately through all the channels of pride and luxury; the other is the true kind, and properly so called, which is a restless and unsatiable desire of riches, not for any farther end or use, but only to hoard, and preserve, and perpetually increase them. The covetous man, of the first kind, is like a greedy ostrich, which devours any metal; but it is with an intent to feed upon it, and in effect it makes a shift to digest and excern it. The second is like the foolish chough, which loves to steal money only to hide it. The first does much harm to mankind; and a little good too, to some few; the second does good to none; no, not to himself. The first can make no excuse to God, or angels, or rational men, for his actions; the second can give no reason or colour, not to the devil himself, for what he does; he is a slave to Mammon , without wages. The first makes a shift to be beloved, and envied, too, by some people; the second is the universal object of hatred and contempt.

- avarice [ˈævərɪs] n. 贪婪,贪心

- bastard [ˈbæstəd] a. 劣质的,假的

- rapacious [rəˈpeɪʃəs] a. 贪婪的,强取的

- unsatiable [ʌnˈseɪʃɪəbl] a. 贪求无厌的

- covetous [ˈkʌvɪtəs] a. 贪求的,垂涎的

- Mammon [ˈmæmən] n. 财神,贪欲之神


亚伯拉罕·考利(1618—1667),英国诗人,十岁时就显露出诗才,著有田园诗剧《情迷》(Love's Riddle ,1638),喜剧《卫士》(The Guardian, 1638),《情妇》(The Mistress ,1647)等。诗作题材广泛,想象力丰富,诗体灿烂,富有音乐感。他的散文风格朴素、优雅。

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