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英汉双语散文:Silence 寂静


英汉双语散文:Silence 寂静

Silence 寂静

In the quiet, like the dewdrops in the dawn, it is crystal clear and fleeting. In the noisy world, it becomes particularly precious. When night falls, everything returns to tranquility, and I enter the silent hall, allowing my soul to find a moment of peace.


In the quiet of the night, I often walk alone on the forest path, listening to the wonderful music of nature. The leaves rustle in the wind, as if telling their stories. In the distance, occasionally, the clear and pleasant chirping of birds can be heard, making people intoxicated. At this moment, I seem to be in a fairyland secluded from the world, forgetting the troubles of the world.


On such quiet nights, I also like to sit alone by the window, gazing at the starry sky. The twinkling stars, like the eyes in the night sky, gaze at me, giving me endless daydreams. I seem to feel the vastness and mystery of the universe, and a curiosity and yearning for the unknown world arises in my heart.


However, silence is not only found in nature, but also deep within our hearts. In our busy lives, we are often troubled by trivial matters and find it difficult to find a moment of peace. However, if we can learn to create a space of silence within ourselves and let our thoughts settle, then we will be able to better listen to the voice within and find our true selves.


Silence is a power that enables us to find peace and tranquility in the noisy world. It gives us the opportunity to reflect on our lives, think about our values and life goals. It also enables us to better communicate with others and establish true understanding and empathy. In the silence, we can find the power within ourselves and courageously face the challenges of life.


Let us cherish this silence and make it a part of our lives. Whether in the embrace of nature or in the depths of our hearts, let us find that tranquility and peace. Let silence become a beautiful landscape in our lives, and let our souls be nourished and grow in the silence.



  • Silence - 寂静

  • Commodity - 商品,此处指稀有的东西

  • Bombarded - 被轰炸

  • Traffic - 交通

  • Reflect - 反思

  • Contemplate - 思索

  • Connect - 联系

  • Stillness - 静止

  • Clarity - 清晰

  • Perspective - 观点,视角

  • Communication - 沟通

  • Understanding - 理解

  • Empathy - 共情

  • Forge - 锻造

  • Conscious - 有意识的

  • Seek - 寻找

  • Stillness - 静止



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