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初中英语看图作文:Seeing a Doctor 看病


初中英语看图作文:Seeing a Doctor 看病

初中英语看图作文:Seeing a Doctor 看病

Seeing a Doctor


It was six o'clock in the morning. Li Ming felt he was ill. He couldn't go to school. His mother took his temperature and found he was having a high fever. Li Ming's mother took him to see a doctor.

The doctor examined him and found it was nothing serious. The doctor gave him some medicine and told him to drink more water and have a good rest.

The next day Li Ming felt he was all right. He was very glad that he could go to school. He was so strong that he was able to play volleyball again.


1)take one's temperature(给他)量体温

2)have a high fever 发高烧

3)nothing serious不严重

4)have a good rest 好好休息

5)be able to do sth. 能够做某事

6)He was so strong that he was able to play volleyball again. 他的身体全好了,又可以打排球了。

初中英语作文:Seeing a Doctor 看病

Yesterday, I felt unwell with a severe headache and a bit of fever. I knew I needed to see a doctor. I told my mother about my symptoms, and she immediately decided to take me to the hospital.

Upon arrival, after registering, I was led to a quiet examination room to wait. The room had comfortable chairs and some magazines, which kept me from getting too bored while waiting. Soon, a kind doctor came in, inquired about my symptoms, and carefully examined my body.

The doctor told me that I might have caught a cold and needed to rest well. He prescribed some medication for me. He patiently explained the usage and precautions for each medicine and advised me to return for a follow-up if my symptoms did not improve.

After returning home, I took the medicine as instructed and tried to rest as much as possible. A few days later, my health condition had significantly improved. This experience of seeing a doctor made me deeply realize how important it is to seek medical attention in time.





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