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提出要求:Make a request/Put forward a request

明确表达:Explicitly express/State clearly








英语作文: The Art of Making Requests

In our daily interactions, whether personal or professional, the ability to make requests is an essential skill. It is not just about asking for something; it is about doing so in a way that is clear, respectful, and likely to yield a positive response.

Making requests involves articulating one's needs or desires in a manner that is both direct and considerate. It requires an understanding of the context and the person to whom the request is being made. For instance, when asking for a favor from a colleague, it is important to frame the request in a way that acknowledges their time and effort.

Moreover, it is crucial to be specific about what is being asked. Vague requests can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Being clear about the details not only helps the other party understand the request but also shows that you have thought it through and are serious about it.

In addition to clarity, it is also important to be polite and respectful. Even when making a request that is urgent or important, maintaining a courteous tone can go a long way in ensuring a favorable outcome. Remember, the way you ask can often be as important as what you are asking for.

Finally, it is wise to be prepared for the possibility of rejection. Not all requests will be granted, and it is important to accept this gracefully. Being able to handle rejection without becoming defensive or upset is a mark of maturity and good character.

In conclusion, making requests is a fundamental aspect of communication that requires thoughtfulness, clarity, and respect. By approaching requests with these qualities, one is more likely to receive a positive response and build stronger relationships in the process.








❶ 您还要点别的什么吗?Anything else I can do for you?

对话 A: Anything else I can do for you? 您还要点别的什么吗?

B: More bread, please. 请再来点面包。

❷ 我要加点咖啡。I need more coffee.

对话 A: Oh, waiter! I need more coffee. 嘿,服务生!我要加点咖啡。

B: Cream and sugar? 奶油和糖都要吗?

A: Yes, cream and sugar. 是的,都要。

❸ 劳驾,你有空时能到这里来一下吗?Pardon me, can you come here when you have a second?

对话 A: Pardon me, can you come here when you have a second? 劳驾,你有空时能到这里来一下吗?

B: Sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。

❹ 可以换菜吗?Can I change the dish?

对话 A: I don't think I like it. Can I change the dish? 我不喜欢这道菜,可以换吗?

B: I'm afraid not. Once it's ordered and served, it can't be changed. 恐怕不行。一旦下了单,并且送上了桌,就不能换了。

A: That's all right. 好吧。

❺ 请给我一些餐巾纸。Please give me some napkins.

同类表达 Would you please offer me some napkins?

❻ 十分钟之后能做好吗?Will it be ready in ten minutes?

同类表达 Will it be finished within ten minutes? 十分钟之内能完成吗?

❼ 续杯要收费吗?Do you charge for refills?

同类表达 Can I have refills for free? 续杯能免费吗?

❽ 茶是可以自己倒的吗?Is the tea self-service?

对话 A: Is the tea self-service? 茶是可以自己倒的吗?

B: Yes. And you can have refills for free. 是的,续杯免费。

❾ 房间太冷了,可以把空调温度调高一点吗?The room is too cold; could you please turn up the air-conditioner?

对话 A: The room is too cold; could you turn up the air-conditioner? 房间太凉了,可以把空调温度调高一点吗?

B: Sorry, but it is a part of the central air-conditioning. 很抱歉,这是中央空调制冷。

❿ 我不要我点的菜了。I'd like to cancel my order.

上一篇:名篇背诵:Acts and Morality 行为与道德
下一篇:初中英语看图作文:From Nine Five to Five Nine 从早9晚5到早5晚9