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20个中医专业最基础词汇 中医英语作文:中西医的差异


20个中医专业最基础词汇 中医英语作文:中西医的差异

  • 气血不足是中医术语,指的是人体气血功能低下,不能满足身体各部分的生理需求。在中医理论中,气是生命活动的基本物质,血则是营养身体的重要物质。气血不足会导致多种症状,如面色苍白、疲乏无力、头晕目眩等。气血不足在中医中被认为是导致身体虚弱和多种疾病的原因。气血是维持生命活动的基本物质,气主要负责推动和温煦身体,血则负责滋养和润泽。气血不足可能是由于多种原因造成的,包括营养不良、慢性疲劳、长期生病、情绪压力等。


    • 传统医学 • Traditional medicine

    • 体质医学 • Constitutional medicine

    • 先天之精 • Innate essence

    • 妊娠肿胀 • Pregnancy swelling

    • 五味偏嗜 • Flavor predilection

    • 禀赋不足 • Constitutional insufficiency

    • 时行感冒 • Influenza

    • 里急后重 • Tenesmus

    • 小便失禁 • Urinary incontinence

    • 但热不寒 • Fever without chills

    • 天人相应 • Correspondence between nature and huma

    • 缠腰火丹 • Herpes zoster

    • 时行戾气 • Epidemic pathogen

    • 五志过极 • Excess among the five minds

    • 阴阳离绝 • Dissociation of yin and yang

    • 朝食暮吐 • Vomiting in the evening of food eaten in the morning

    • 上热下寒 • Upper body heat and lower body cold

    • 五心烦热 • Vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles

    • 扶正祛邪 • Reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors

    • 升降出入 • Upward, downward, inward and outward movement of qi


    1. 由于汉英修饰语位置差异,需要反序翻译

    • 养生 life cultivation/nurturing
    • 先 煎 decoct first
    • 冲 服 take drenched
    • 频服 take in frequent small amounts
    • 顿服 take in one single dose
    • 平旦服 take before breakfast

    2. 一些“名词+形容词”结构的词组,采用反序翻译,变成“形容词+名词”结构,以符合英语表达顺序

    • 尿 浊 turbid urine

    • 筋 粗 thickened sinew

    • 脉 燥 agitated pulse

    • 面色萎黄 sallow complexion

    • 心气盛 exuberant heart qi

    3. 术语翻译时采用动词名词化翻译,使语序发生改变:

    • 由虚转实 conversion of deficiency into excess

    • 由表入里 penetration from the exterior into the interior

    • 热邪传里 transmission of pathogenic heat into the interior

    • 表里出入 transmission between exterior and interior

    4. 英语的一种特殊的构词法与汉语语序相反,即,当一个带有宾语的现在分词放在一个名词前作定语时,分词的宾语前置。

    • 骨蒸热 bone-steaming fever

    • 发表剂 exterior-effusing formula

    • 清虚热药 deficiency heat-clearing medicinal

    • 祛风湿清热药 wind-dampness-dispelling and heat-clearing medicinal


    • 补  • Tonify
    • 补法  • Tonifying method
    • 补火助阳  • Tonify fire and assist yang
    • 补肾益气  • Tonify the kidney and replenish qi
    • 补脾益肺  • Tonify the spleen and replenish the lung
    • 补气壮阳  • Tonify qi and invigorate yang
    • 温补脾胃  • Warm and tonify the spleen and stomach

    • 滋  • Enrich
    • 滋肾  • Enrich the kidney
    • 滋阴补血  • Enrich yin and tonify the blood
    • 滋阴潜阳  • Enrich yin and subdue yang
    • 滋阴润燥  • Enrich yin to moisten dryness
    • 滋阴降火  • Enrich yin and reduce fire

    • 虚实  • Deficiency and excess
    • 虚火  • Deficiency fire
    • 阴虚  • Yin deficiency
    • 心气虚  • Heart qi deficiency
    • 心肝血虚  • Heart-liver blood deficiency
    • 虚实夹杂  • Deficiency-excess complex
    • 由实转虚  • Conversion of excess into deficiency
    • 肾虚水泛  • Kidney deficiency with water flood

    • 寒热  • Cold and heat
    • 寒证  • Cold syndrome
    • 热证  • Heat syndrome
    • 虚寒症  • Deficiency-cold syndrome
    • 上热下寒  • Upper heat and lower cold
    • 寒热转化  • Conversion of cold and heat


    In the past decades,there have been repeated discussions to give up Chinese medicine,it now has become a hot topic.Advocators believed that Chinese medicine is not scientifically based in comparison with West medicine.Though it's still debateable whether Chinese medicine is scientifically sound,no one can deny that it has rich philosophically content..From this perspective,Chinese medicine is totally different from western medicine.


    A Chinese medicine doctor treats illness by the way of generalization,emphsis entirety and dialectical treatment,so some people view it as holistic medicine.A western medicine doctor treats illness by the symptoms.For example,if you have a sore throat,the western medicine doctor considers it as a throat problem,while a Chinese medicine doctor may link it to your stomach trouble.


    What's the difference between Chinese medicine and western medicine in medical treatment?A Chinese medicine doctor determines the illness of the patient by inference through observing ,smelling,asking and feeling,while a western medicine doctor makes sure the illness of the patience by symptoms and evidence,such as body temperature or the result of lab test.A Chinese medicine doctor gets knowledge of the troubles of the internal organs by the complexion and tongue,while a western medicine doctor does it by means of lab test and then examine the symtoms to reinfore his judgement.Western medicine uses chemicalbased medicine and surgery for medication,while Chinese medicine use Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.


    For a patient,which is more preferable?It depends usually a Chinese doctor will recommend western medicine for intensive treatment,and Chinese medicine for recovery.Chinese medicine is more effective for some functional disease,the cause of which is difficult to make clear.


    What will happen if Chinese medicine is indeed abandoned?I have no idea of it.For the patients surffering terminal disease,Chinese medicine is their last resort.It can not only alleviate pain but also offer an option of different treatment.


    As the development of science, people’s medical care has been improved,when people get sick, they can go to the hospital and get the treatment, and then they will recover soon. Today western medicine is people’s first choice, the Chinese medicine is being ignored by more and more people. Compared to western medicine, Chinese medicine has its own advantages. First, Chinese medicine won’t have or have less side effect. Western can work on people’s body soon, but it is true that the side effect is very obvious, such as headache, dizzy and get sick of the food. Chinese medicine takes some time to work, but without side effect. People can recover completely. Second, Chinese medicine pays special attention to the food treatment. It is believed that taking pills will hurt the body, but the food treatment is different, people can adjust their diet to get healthy. Chinese medicine will not out of date.


    Traditional Chinese Medicine is an indispensable part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. Nowadays, both Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine are being used to cure people all around the world. The TCM, with its unique diagnostic methods, long history and remarkable effects, have been used to treat cancer and other serious diseases.Unlike the western medicine, the TCM has fewer side effects.


    According to the survey data, TMC is used by 75% of the areas in China and has been very effective in the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, liver cancer,tumors, and bone fracture and so on. Great successes have been made in many areas through TMC cure. As to acute abdomen, there is no need to have an operation; all you need to do is drink a cup of Chinese herbs,while the western way takes more time and money. You may even take the risk of being infected after operation.


    Comparing with the western medicine high fees, TMC has a more reasonable price that ordinary people can afford. I think in the future, TMC will be the mainstream in the health services in China. And our country should invest more money on the development on TMC; make sure is not going to fade away.


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