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  • Overcoming Difficulties - My Experience

    Life is full of challenges, and one of the most memorable experiences for me was when I had to overcome my fear of public speaking. It was during my final year in elementary school when I was chosen to represent my class in the school's annual speech competition.

    At first, the thought of standing in front of hundreds of people filled me with dread. I was nervous about forgetting my lines, about my voice shaking, and about being judged by others. I remember practicing my speech in front of the mirror, but it felt like my heart was pounding louder than the words I was trying to say.

    To tackle this fear, I decided to take small steps. I started by speaking in front of my family, then I moved on to a small group of friends. With each practice, my confidence grew. I also watched videos of successful speeches to learn from the speakers' techniques and body language.

    On the day of the competition, my heart was still racing, but I was ready. I took a deep breath, stepped onto the stage, and delivered my speech. To my surprise, the audience was very receptive, and I received a round of applause at the end. I didn't win first place, but the feeling of accomplishment was more than enough for me.

    This experience taught me that with determination and practice, I can overcome my fears and achieve my goals. It was a valuable lesson that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.


    Challenges - 挑战
    Memorable - 值得记忆的
    Overcome - 克服
    Fear - 恐惧
    Public speaking - 公开演讲
    Dread - 恐惧
    Nervous - 紧张的
    Lines - 台词
    Confidence - 自信
    Practice - 练习
    Videos - 视频
    Techniques - 技巧
    Body language - 身体语言
    Accomplishment - 成就
    Determination - 决心
    Goals - 目标
    Valuable - 有价值的
    Lesson - 教训
    Carry with - 携带,保留
    Rest of my life - 余生





