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  • 骨瘤,或称为骨肿瘤,是指发生在骨骼系统内的肿瘤。它们可以是良性(非癌性)或恶性(癌性)。良性骨肿瘤通常不会对生命构成威胁,但某些情况下,它们可能会迅速生长并压迫周围组织。恶性骨肿瘤则可能侵犯周围组织,甚至通过血液或淋巴系统转移到身体其他部位(转移性癌)。骨肿瘤的症状可能包括骨痛、肿胀、病理性骨折等。诊断通常需要影像学检查和活检。


    • Bone Tumor (骨瘤)
    • Benign (良性)
    • Malignant (恶性)
    • Primary Cancer (原发癌)
    • Metastatic Cancer (转移性癌)
    • Bone Pain (骨痛)
    • Swelling (肿胀)
    • Pathological Fracture (病理性骨折)
    • Imaging Studies (影像学检查)
    • Biopsy (活检)


    1. Bone tumors can be either benign or malignant and may originate from the bone itself or be metastatic from other parts of the body. Benign bone tumors, while not cancerous, can still cause problems if they grow too large or in a location that affects function or health. Malignant bone tumors can invade surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body through the blood or lymph system, which is known as metastasis.


    2. Symptoms of bone tumors may include bone pain, swelling, and an increased risk of fractures. Pain may be intermittent at first and then become constant, often mistaken for growing pains in children. As the tumor grows, it may cause a noticeable swelling over the bone and lead to pathologic fractures, which are fractures that occur due to the weakened bone structure from the tumor.


    3. Diagnosis of bone tumors typically requires imaging studies such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI, and often a biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. During a biopsy, a small sample of the tumor is removed and examined under a microscope to determine the type of cells present and whether the tumor is cancerous.


    4. Treatment for bone tumors depends on the type, location, and stage of the tumor. Treatment options may include surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy to kill cancer cells, and chemotherapy to treat cancer that has spread or is likely to spread.


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