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150字小升初英语作文5篇: My School


150字小升初英语作文5篇: My School

  • 以下是五篇关于“My School”(我的学校)的小升初英语作文,每篇作文大约150字,并附有中文翻译,希望对你有所帮助。

    1. My School

    My school is a place where I learn and make friends. It has a big playground and a beautiful garden. We have many activities after class, such as sports and music clubs. Our teachers are kind and always ready to help. I love my school because it's not just a school; it's also a big family. 我的学校是学习和交朋友的地方。它有一个大操场和一个美丽的花园。我们课后有许多活动,比如体育和音乐俱乐部。我们的老师很和蔼,总是乐于助人。我爱我的学校,因为它不仅仅是一所学校;它也是一个大家庭。

    2. My School Life

    I enjoy my school life very much. We start the day with morning exercises and the singing of the national anthem. Our classes are interesting and not too difficult. At lunchtime, we eat together in the school canteen. The food is tasty and healthy. After school, I often play basketball with my classmates. It's a great way to relax. 我非常喜欢我的学校生活。我们以晨练和唱国歌开始一天。我们的课程有趣且不太困难。在午餐时间,我们在学校食堂一起吃饭。食物美味健康。放学后,我经常和同学一起打篮球。这是放松的好方法。

    3. My Favorite Place in School

    My favorite place in school is the library. It's a quiet and cozy place where I can read and study. There are thousands of books on different subjects. I often go there to borrow books and do my homework. The library helps me to learn a lot and explore new things. 我在学校最喜欢的地方是图书馆。这是一个安静舒适的场所,我可以在那里阅读和学习。图书馆有关于不同主题的成千上万本书。我经常去那里借书和做作业。图书馆帮助我学到很多并探索新事物。

    4. Our School Festival

    Last week, we had a school festival. There were many fun things to do, such as face painting, a cake sale, and a talent show. My classmates and I performed a dance. Everyone clapped and cheered for us. We had a great time and made many happy memories. 上周,我们举办了学校节日。有许多有趣的事情可以做,比如面部彩绘、蛋糕销售和才艺表演。我和同学们表演了一支舞蹈。每个人都为我们鼓掌和欢呼。我们玩得非常开心,并制造了许多快乐的回忆。

    5. My School's Sports Day

    I look forward to Sports Day every year. It's a day full of excitement and competition. We have races like the 100-meter dash and the relay race. I took part in the long jump and won a bronze medal. My friends and I cheered for our class. It was a day of teamwork and school spirit. 我每年都期待着运动会。这是充满兴奋和竞争的一天。我们有100米短跑和接力赛等比赛。我参加了跳远,并获得了一枚铜牌。我和我的朋友们为我们的班级加油。这是团队合作和学校精神的一天。