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七年级英语作文:我的房间 50词 60词 70词 80词 90词


七年级英语作文:我的房间 50词 60词 70词 80词 90词

  • 英语作文50词:My Room

    My room is small but cozy. I have a bed, a desk, and a chair. The walls are blue, my favorite color. I keep my books and toys neat. At night, I sleep well in my warm bed.



    英语作文60词:My Lovely Room

    I love my room! It’s small and neat. I have a soft bed, a study desk, and a bookshelf full of books. The walls are decorated with family photos. I often read and play in my room. It’s my own space, and I feel happy here.



    英语作文70词:My Room, My World

    My room is my own little world. It’s not very big, but it’s bright and comfortable. I have a cozy bed, a study area with a desk and a lamp, and a corner for my toys and books. The walls are painted in calm colors, and there’s a window that lets in the sunlight. I feel happy and safe in my room.



    英语作文80词:A Tour of My Room

    Welcome to my room! It’s a small yet cozy place. My bed is soft and warm, perfect for sleeping. Next to it is my desk, where I do my homework and read. Shelves full of books and toys line the walls, and a large window lets in plenty of light. My room is my sanctuary, where I can relax and be myself.



    英语作文90词:My Room, a Reflection of Me

    My room is a reflection of who I am. It’s not spacious, but it’s filled with things I love. My comfortable bed is the center of relaxation, surrounded by shelves of books that fuel my curiosity. My desk is an organized chaos of study materials, and the walls are adorned with posters of my idols. The soft lighting and calm colors create a peaceful atmosphere. My room is where I dream, learn, and grow.


