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  • 旅行是一种探索世界、体验不同文化和环境的活动。它可以是休闲的、教育的或商务的,涉及从短途的周末游到长期的环球旅行。旅行不仅能让人放松心情,还能增进知识、拓宽视野。


    Travel - 旅行
    Tourism - 旅游业
    Itinerary - 行程
    Destination - 目的地
    Luggage - 行李
    Accommodation - 住宿
    Transportation - 交通
    Cultural exchange - 文化交流
    Sightseeing - 观光
    Adventure - 冒险
    Resort - 度假村
    Honeymoon - 蜜月
    Backpacking - 背包旅行
    Cruise - 游轮
    Expedition - 探险
    Wildlife - 野生动物
    Hiking - 徒步
    Festival - 节日
    Souvenir - 纪念品
    Budget - 预算


    "Traveling with a loved one is a journey not merely of miles, but of moments. Each destination is a canvas painted with the colors of shared experiences, and every step we take together is a brushstroke that adds depth to our relationship. The laughter that echoes through ancient alleys, the quiet awe as we stand before the majesty of nature, the spontaneous dance in the rain – these are the memories that weave the tapestry of our love. In the embrace of the unknown, we find comfort in the familiar warmth of each other's arms. The world is vast, but it's the space between us that truly matters. For it is in the spaces between that love grows, and it is in the journey that we truly live."


    "Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer. Every trip, no matter how long or short, leaves an indelible mark on your soul. It's not just about the places you visit, but the experiences you gather and the lessons you learn along the way. Exploring new cities, tasting exotic foods, and meeting people from different walks of life are all part of the travel experience that enriches your understanding of the world. Travel teaches you to adapt, to be patient, and to appreciate the beauty in every moment. It's an education in the grandest sense, one that can't be found within the four walls of a classroom. So pack your bags, embark on a journey, and let travel be the storyteller of your life."


    上一篇:初中英语作文:Games 游戏