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100字、150字、200字、250字、300字英语作文5篇: A Rainy Day


100字、150字、200字、250字、300字英语作文5篇: A Rainy Day

  • 100字英语作文:A Rainy Day

    Today was a rainy day, and I stayed indoors. The sound of raindrops was soothing. I read a book, sipped hot tea, and watched the rain through the window. It was peaceful and cozy. I enjoyed the quiet time, listening to the rhythm of the rain.


    150字英语作文:A Rainy Day

    The rain started early in the morning, and it didn't stop all day. I decided to embrace the rainy mood by watching a movie and baking cookies. The smell of freshly baked treats filled the house, and the sound of rain outside created a perfect atmosphere for a lazy day.


    200字英语作文:A Rainy Day

    Rainy days always bring a sense of calmness. I spent the day reading, writing, and listening to the soft patter of rain on the roof. The world outside seemed distant, and the cozy interior of my home felt like a sanctuary. I even took a nap, lulled by the sound of rain.


    250字英语作文:A Rainy Day

    The rain poured down in sheets, turning the streets into rivers. I stayed indoors, watching the world transform through the lens of my window. I baked bread, the warmth of the oven fighting off the damp chill. In the afternoon, I wrapped myself in a blanket and read a novel, the rain's melody a constant companion.


    300字英语作文:A Rainy Day

    The rain was relentless, drumming against the windows with a steady beat. I decided to make the most of this indoor day. I started by cleaning my room, the rain providing a soothing backdrop. Then, I cooked a hearty meal, the aroma mingling with the scent of rain. In the evening, I settled down with a cup of tea and my favorite book, the sound of raindrops a gentle reminder of nature's rhythm.

