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拉尼娜现象在英语中被称为 La Niña


拉尼娜现象在英语中被称为 La Niña

  • 拉尼娜现象在英语中被称为 "La Niña"。La Niña(拉尼娜现象)是与厄尔尼诺(El Niño)现象相对应的自然现象,是描述太平洋赤道带东部和中部海水大规模周期性升温与降温交替变化的一种气候模式。

    - 英语作文:

    La Niña is a climatic pattern characterized by cooler than average sea surface temperatures along the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. This condition can lead to changes in global weather patterns, such as increased rainfall in some regions and droughts in others. Understanding La Niña is crucial for preparing and adapting to climate variations.


    - 英语会话:

    A: What is the La Niña phenomenon?

    B: The La Niña phenomenon is a climate pattern that takes place in the Pacific Ocean, resulting in cooler sea surface temperatures and significant impacts on weather patterns globally.

    A: 拉尼娜现象是什么?

    B: 拉尼娜现象是一种发生在太平洋的气候模式,导致海面温度下降,并对全球的天气模式产生重大影响。


    La Niña is the cooler counterpart of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), a dynamic coupled atmosphere-ocean phenomenon that affects Pacific Ocean temperatures and worldwide weather patterns. A La Niña event involves a persistent weakening of the tropical trade winds and the downwelling of cooler waters near the surface of the Pacific.

    In La Niña conditions, sea surface temperatures in the eastern and central tropical Pacific are significantly cooler than normal. This tends to cause a change in the location and intensity of the rain bands across the tropical Pacific and adjacent regions. La Niña typically leads to wetter-than-average conditions across the western Pacific and Australia, and drier-than-average conditions across Indonesia and the western Pacific. In the Southern Hemisphere, it can lead to increased rainfall across eastern Australia and drier conditions across western and central areas, often causing impacts on agriculture, fisheries, and other weather-sensitive industries.

    On a global scale, the impacts of La Niña can vary widely. Regions like the United States can experience cooler and wetter winter conditions, especially across the northern and central parts of the country. South America, too, may see impacts, such as wetter conditions in Peru and drier conditions in Southern Brazil. Some regions may also experience less hurricane activity in the North Atlantic due to the stronger Atlantic wind shear associated with La Niña.





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