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Cleaning service


Janitorial service

Domestic cleaning

Commercial cleaning

Industrial cleaning

Deep cleaning


Hygiene services

Maintenance cleaning

英语作文 The Importance of Cleaning Services

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the significance of a clean environment often goes unnoticed. However, the role of cleaning services is paramount in maintaining not only the aesthetic appeal but also the health and safety of our surroundings.

Residential Cleaning:The comfort of our homes is directly linked to cleanliness. Domestic cleaning services offer a sanctuary from the chaos of the world outside, providing a serene and orderly space for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Commercial Cleaning:For businesses, the first impression is everything. Commercial cleaning services ensure that the workplace is not only presentable but also hygienic, fostering a positive image and a healthy work environment.

Industrial Cleaning:Industries often deal with heavy machinery and equipment that require specialized cleaning. Industrial cleaning services specialize in deep cleaning and sanitization, ensuring the longevity of machinery and the safety of workers.

The Impact of Cleaning Services:Beyond the immediate visual appeal, cleaning services play a crucial role in disease prevention and maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Regular cleaning and sanitization can significantly reduce the spread of germs and allergens.

In conclusion, the value of cleaning services extends far beyond the surface. They are integral to our daily lives, providing us with clean, safe, and healthy spaces to live and work. As we appreciate the unseen efforts of these services, let us also contribute to maintaining cleanliness in our own ways.








❶ 客房服务,我可以进来吗?Housekeeping, may I come in?

同类表达 May we clean your room now, sir? 先生,我们可以现在打扫您的房间吗?

❷ 对不起,打扰您了,先生。I'm sorry to disturb you, sir.

同类表达 Please put out a“Do Not Disturb”sign on the door if you want to rest in the room. 如果您想要在房间里休息,请在门上挂上“请勿打扰”牌。

❸ 请把我的床单换掉。I need my sheets changed.

同类表达 Please change my bed sheets.

Will you have someone change the sheets on the bed?

❹ 我的洗澡间没有肥皂了。My bathroom is out of soap.

同类表达 There are no towels in my room. 我的房间里没有毛巾。

Do you provide a hair dryer? 你们提供吹风机吗?

❺ 您的房间过半小时就会打扫干净。Your room will be ready in half an hour.

同类表达 I want to have my room cleaned right away. 我的房间需要立刻打扫。

❻ 以后能不能每天早点打扫我的房间?Can you clean up my room earlier every day?

同类表达 It's already noon, and my room hasn't been made up yet. 已经中午了,我的房间还没打扫。

这样回答 Certainly, sir. I will clean up your room earlier tomorrow. 当然可以,先生,明天我会早点为您打扫房间。

❼ 早上好,失物招领处,有什么需要帮忙?Good morning, Lost and Found Department, can I help you?

对话 A: Good morning, Lost and Found Department, can I help you? 早上好,失物招领处,有什么需要帮忙?

B: Yes. I can't find my ring. 是的,我的戒指找不到了。

❽ 请您核对一下物品好吗?Could you check the contents?

❾ 您能告诉我公文包内的物品是什么吗?Could you tell me the contents of the briefcase?

同类表达 Could you tell me the color of your suitcase, please? 请告诉我您行李箱的颜色,好吗?

❿ 在您走之前,请在这里签一下名好吗?Before you leave, may I have your signature here, please?

下一篇:名篇背诵:A Tour Made in Scotland 苏格兰游历