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名篇背诵:A Tour Made in Scotland 苏格兰游历


名篇背诵:A Tour Made in Scotland 苏格兰游历

A Tour Made in Scotland 苏格兰游历

多萝西·华兹华斯(Dorothy Wordsworth)

We had to climb right up the hill, which is very steep, and, when close under it, seemed to be high, but we soon reached the top, and when we were there had lost sight of the lake; and now our road was over a moor, or rather through a wide moorland hollow . Having gone a little way, we saw before us, at the distance of about half a mile, a very large stone building, a singular structure, with a high wall round it, naked hill above, and neither field nor tree near; but the moor was not overgrown with heath merely, but grey grass, such as cattle might pasture upon.We could not conjecture what this building was; it appeared as if it had been built strong to defend it from storms; but for what purpose? William called out to us that we should observe that place well, for it was exactly like one of the spitals of the Alps, built for the reception of travellers, and indeed I had thought it must be so before he spoke. This building, from its singular structure and appearance, made the place, which is itself in a country like Scotland nowise remarkable, take a character of unusual wildness and desolation — this when we first came in view of it; and afterwards, when we had passed it and looked back, three pyramidal mountains on the opposite side of Loch Lomond terminated the view , which under certain accidents of weather must be very grand. Our Highland companion had not English enough to give us any information concerning this strange building; we could only get from her that it was a “large house”, which was plain enough.

We walked about a mile and a half over the moor without seeing any other dwelling but one hut by the burn-side, with a peat-stack and a ten-yard-square enclosure for potatoes; then we came to several clusters of houses, even hamlets they might be called, but where there is any land belonging to the Highland huts there are so many out-buildings near, which differ in no respect from the dwelling-houses except that they send out no smoke, that one house looks like two or three. Near these houses was a considerable quantity of cultivated ground, potatoes and corn, and the people were busy making hay in the hollow places, and all along the sides of the becks. It was a pretty sight altogether — men and women, dogs, the little running streams, with linen bleaching near them, and cheerful sunny hills and rocks on every side. We passed by one patch of potatoes that a florist might have been proud of; no carnation-bed ever looked more gay than this square plot of ground on the waste common.The flowers were in very large bunches, and of an extraordinary size, and of every conceivable shade of colouring from snow-white to deep purple. It was pleasing in that place, where perhaps was never yet a flower cultivated by man for his own pleasure, to see these blossoms grow more gladly than elsewhere, making a summer garden near the mountain dwellings.

wide moorland hollow 广阔的沼泽低地

- conjecture [kənˈdʒektʃə] v. 想象

- spital [ˈspɪtl] n. 供路边行人用的避风雨或落脚处

terminate the view 挡住了视线

- hamlet [ˈhæmlɪt] n. 村庄

- bleaching [ˈbliːtʃɪŋ] a. 漂白的

every conceivable shade of colouring 各种层次的颜色




多萝西·华兹华斯(1771—1855),英国女诗人,威廉·华兹华斯的妹妹与助手,他们一起旅游、散步,一起阅读、抄写诗稿。优秀诗作《乞丐》(Beggars ),《水仙花》(The Daffodils )就是写兄妹友情的。不朽之作《格拉斯米尔日志》(The Grasmere Journal ),还有《苏格兰旅行回忆录》(Journal of a Tour Made in Scotland ,1803),《山间漫步的日子》(1815),此外还写了一些短诗。



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