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Birthday - 生日

Celebration - 庆祝

Cake - 蛋糕

Candle - 蜡烛

Gift - 礼物

Party - 派对

Wish - 愿望

Greeting - 祝福

Tradition - 传统

Anniversary - 周年纪念

Age - 年龄

Balloon - 气球

Decoration - 装饰

Surprise - 惊喜

Birthday card - 生日卡片

Special day - 特别的日子

Birthday present - 生日礼物

Birthday cake - 生日蛋糕

Birthday song - 生日歌

Birthday wishes - 生日祝福

英语作文:The Significance of Birthdays

Birthdays are more than just a marker of time; they are a celebration of life and the milestones we reach along our journey. Each year, as we add another candle to the cake, we are reminded of the precious gift of life and the memories we have created.

In many cultures, birthdays are celebrated with a variety of traditions. The birthday cake, often adorned with candles, is a central symbol of the celebration. The act of blowing out the candles while making a wish is a moment of reflection and hope for the future.

Gifts are also a common part of birthday celebrations, symbolizing the love and appreciation that friends and family have for the person whose birthday it is. These gifts can range from simple tokens of affection to more elaborate presents, each carrying its own special meaning.

A birthday party is a gathering of loved ones, a time to share stories, laughter, and joy. It is an opportunity to reconnect with those who have been a part of our lives and to create new memories together.

However, birthdays are not just about the individual; they are also a time to express gratitude for the support and love we receive from others. It is a day to acknowledge the role that family and friends play in our lives and to show them our appreciation.

In essence, birthdays are a time to celebrate the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future. They are a reminder that life is a journey filled with love, growth, and the continuous pursuit of happiness.








❶ 祝你生日快乐!Happy birthday to you!

对话 A: Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!

B: Thank you. No gift? 谢谢。没有礼物吗?

A: It's impossible for me to forget. Here you are. 我不可能忘的。给你。

❷ 祝你生日快乐,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。I wish you a happy birthday with many happy returns.

对话 A: I wish you a happy birthday with many happy returns. 祝你生日快乐,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。

B: Thank you. It's so sweet. 谢谢,你真好。

❸ 祝你度过一个美妙的生日!Have a wonderful birthday!

对话 A: Have a wonderful birthday! 祝你度过一个美妙的生日!

B: Thanks and I will. I'm going on an adventure. 谢谢你,我会的。我会去探险。

A: An adventure? Sounds really wonderful! 探险?听起来真的很美妙!

❹ 愿你梦想都成真。Hope your wishes all come true.

对话 A: Hope your wishes all come true. 愿你梦想都成真。

B: In fact, I only have one dream. 实际上,我只有一个梦想。

❺ 祝您健康长寿。May you enjoy good health and long life.

对话 A: May you enjoy good health and long life. 祝您健康长寿。

B: Thank you, baby. Is the dinner ready? 谢谢,宝贝。晚宴准备好了吗?

A: Yes, grandma. 准备好了,奶奶。

❻ 请接受我送给你的生日小礼物。Please accept my small gift for your birthday.

❼ 生日蛋糕来啦!Here comes the birthday cake!

对话 A: Here comes the birthday cake! 生日蛋糕来啦!

B: Oh, it looks so good! 噢,蛋糕看起来真棒!

❽ 我先许个愿。I need to make a wish first.

对话 A: Blow out the candles and let's eat! 吹蜡烛,吃蛋糕吧!

B: I need to make a wish first. 我先许个愿。

A: OK. 好的。

❾ 吹蜡烛!Blow out the candles!

对话 A: Blow out the candles! And make a wish. 吹蜡烛!然后许一个心愿。

B: OK, I'll go to turn off the light. 好的,我去把灯关了。

❿ 我请你吃顿饭当生日礼物。I'll buy you a dinner as a birthday gift.

上一篇:名篇背诵:Equality and Greatness 平等与伟大
下一篇:名篇背诵:Kant the Man 康德其人其事