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1.Accident - 一般指意外事故,比如在日常生活中发生的摔倒、碰撞等。

2.Incident - 可以指小型的事故或突发事件,通常比“Accident”规模小一些,影响和损失也相对较小。

3.Crash - 特指涉及交通工具(尤其是飞行器、汽车)的重大事故。

4.Collision - 通常用于指涉由两个或多个物体(如汽车)相互撞击的事故。


Recently, I have witnessed a traffic accident at the corner of Main Street that left a lasting impression on me. The accident occurred at an intersection where a speeding car failed to yield to a pedestrian in a marked crosswalk. The impact resulted in significant damage to both the vehicle and the poor man's bicycle. The pedestrian, while fortunately alive, was injured and required medical attention.

I was on my way to work when the accident took place. Despite the usual morning rush hour traffic, I managed to pull over safely. Within moments, ambulances and police arrived, effectively managing the scene. Traffic was redirected, and I heard one of the officers talking about how vital it was for drivers to stay alert and respect traffic rules, especially at intersections. The accident serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of one’s negligence and disregard for safety protocols.




❶ 我的车被追尾了。I was rear-ended.

对话 A: I was rear-ended. 我的车被追尾了。

B: Bad luck. 运气不好。

❷ 我差点撞到人了。I almost hit a man.

对话 A: I almost hit a man. 我差点撞到人了。

B: That was close! Be more careful next time. 好险啊!下次再小心点儿。

❸ 路堵了,可能是出了事故。The road is blocked. There might be an accident.

❹ 十字路口发生了一起车祸。There was a car accident at the intersection.

同类表达 I've had a car accident. 我遇上了一起车祸。

对话 A: There was a car accident at the intersection. 十字路口发生了一起车祸。

B: That's really awful! 太可怕了!

❺ 他昨天被一辆公交车撞了。He was hit by a bus yesterday.

❻ 事故中死了好多人。Many people were killed in the accident.

对话 A: Many people were killed in the accident. 事故中死了好多人。

B: How awful! I can't believe the news. 真可怕!我不敢相信这个新闻。

A: Me, neither. 我也是。

❼ 两辆卡车撞到一起了。Two trucks crashed into each other.

对话 A: Two trucks crashed into each other. 两辆卡车撞到一起了。

B: Did you witness it? 你目睹了吗?

A: Yes, I'm scared to death. 是的,我吓死了。

B: I can't imagine that. 简直不敢想象。

❽ 我的一个车胎瘪了。I have got a flat tire.

同类表达 I had a blow-out. 我的车爆胎了。

对话 A: I have got a flat tire. 我的一个车胎瘪了。

B: There is a repair shop over there. They can help you. 那儿有一家维修店。他们能帮你。

❾ 不要这么赶,否则你可能会出事故。Do not rush, or you may have an accident.

对话 A: Do not rush, or you may have an accident. 不要这么赶,否则你可能会出事故。

B: You're a doom-monger. 你是个乌鸦嘴。

❿ 她在事故中把自己的车子撞坏了。She bashed up her car in the accident.

对话 A: Have you heard that? She bashed up her car in the accident. 你听说了吗?她在事故中把自己的车子撞坏了。

B: She is a green hand. 她是个新手。

上一篇:考研写作常用高分句型 辞职信
下一篇:名篇背诵:The Song of Life 生命之歌