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Self-driving: 自驾

Road trip: 公路旅行

Car rental: 租车

GPS navigation: GPS导航

Itinerary: 行程安排

Vehicle maintenance: 车辆维护

Accommodation: 住宿

Fuel: 燃料

Rest stop: 休息站

Scenic route: 风景路线

Highway: 高速公路

Off-road: 越野

Safety precautions: 安全措施

自驾的英语作文: The Joy of Self-Driving

Self-driving, a term that has become synonymous with freedom and adventure, allows individuals to chart their own course and explore the world at their own pace. It's not just about reaching a destination; it's about the journey itself, the winding roads, the scenic landscapes, and the unexpected discoveries that come along the way.

In my recent self-driving adventure, I embarked on a road trip with my family. We rented a spacious SUV equipped with the latest GPS navigation system, ensuring that we wouldn't get lost on our journey. Our itinerary was flexible, allowing us to adjust our plans based on the weather and our mood. We started our trip early in the morning, with the sun rising over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the open road ahead.

As we drove through the countryside, we were greeted by lush green fields and quaint villages. We stopped at a picturesque rest stop for a picnic, enjoying the fresh air and the simple pleasures of homemade sandwiches and fruit. The GPS guided us through scenic routes, avoiding the monotony of the highway and immersing us in the local culture and natural beauty.

One of the highlights of our trip was an off-road detour that led us to a secluded waterfall. The sound of the cascading water was mesmerizing, and the sight of the lush forest surrounding it was breathtaking. We took a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature and the serenity it offered.

Throughout our journey, we made sure to follow safety precautions. We checked the vehicle's maintenance regularly, ensured we had enough fuel, and always had a plan for accommodations. These precautions allowed us to enjoy our trip without any worries.

In conclusion, self-driving is more than just a mode of transportation; it's an experience that enriches the soul. It offers a sense of freedom, the thrill of exploration, and the opportunity to create lasting memories. Whether it's a short weekend getaway or a long cross-country journey, self-driving allows us to connect with the world and with ourselves in a way that no other form of travel can.


❶ 如果你会开车的话,我建议你自驾。If you can drive, I suggest you drive by yourself.

❷ 有一定的风险。It has some risks.

对话 A: How about driving by ourselves? 自驾怎么样?

B: It has some risks. 有一定的风险。

A: You're too prudent. 你太谨慎了。

❸ 我遇上了交通高峰期。I got caught in the rush hour traffic.

同类表达 I was caught in the traffic jam.

❹ 我在哪里把你放下来?Where can I drop you?

同类表达 Where do you want me to stop? 你希望我停在哪儿?

对话 A: Where can I drop you? 我在哪里把你放下来?

B: The nearer to the subway the better. 越靠近地铁站越好。

❺ 我找不到去购物中心的路了。I can't find my way to the shopping mall.

对话 A: I can't find my way to the shopping mall. 我找不到去购物中心的路了。

B: Don't ask me. You are the driver. 别问我,你是司机。

A: But I'm not familiar with the roads here. 但是我对这里的道路不熟悉。

❻ 你可以把冷风开大一点吗?Could you crank up the cooler?

对话 A: Could you crank up the cooler? I feel a bit hot. 你可以把冷风开大一点吗?我觉得有点热。

B: Well, you can turn the knob at your left hand. 你可以调你左手边的旋钮。

❼ 我只会开自动挡的车。I can only drive automatic cars.

对话 A: Can you drive this car? 你能开这辆车吗?

B: I can only drive automatic cars. 我只会开自动挡的车。

❽ 把车停在路边。放慢速度。Pull over to the curb. Slow it down.

对话 A: Oh, my god. I'm scared. 哦,天哪,我好怕。

B: Relax. Pull over to the curb. Slow it down. 放轻松。把车停在路边。放慢速度。

❾ 我想我迷路了。I think I've gotten lost.

对话 A: Can I help you? What's up? 我能帮忙吗?发生什么事了?

B: I think I've gotten lost. 我想我迷路了。

❿ 我们现在在哪儿?Where are we now?

对话 A: Where are we now? 我们现在在哪儿?

B: I think we've gotten lost. 我想我们迷路了。

A: Oh, my God. 哦,天啊。

上一篇:名篇背诵:The Daffodils 水仙花
下一篇:名篇背诵:Unrequited Love (Ⅰ) 单相思(一)