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名篇背诵:An Arrogant Woman 高傲的女子


名篇背诵:An Arrogant Woman 高傲的女子

An Arrogant Woman 高傲的女子

阿诺德·贝内特(Arnold Bennett)

Undoubtedly she was a handsome woman. Her hair was greying at the temples, and the skin was withered and crossed with lines. But she was handsome. She was one of those women of whom to their last on earth the stranger will say:“When she was young she must have been worth looking at!” — with a little transient regret that beautiful young women cannot remain for ever young. Her voice was firm and even, sweet in tone, and yet morally harsh from incessant traffic with all varieties of human nature. Her eyes were the impartial eyes of one who is always judging. And evidently she was a proud, even a haughty creature, with her careful, controlled politeness. Evidently she considered herself superior to no matter what guest. Her eyes announced that she had lived and learnt, that she knew more about life than any one whom she was likely to meet, and that having preeminently succeeded in life, she had tremendous confidence in herself.

- transient [ˈtrænzɪənt] a. 短暂的,倏忽的

- incessant [ɪnˈsesnt] a. 不间断的,连续的

- impartial [ɪmˈpɑːʃl] a. 公正的,不偏袒的

- haughty [ˈhɔːtɪ] a. 傲慢的;自大的

- preeminently [priːˈemɪnəntlɪ] ad. 卓越地


阿诺德·贝内特(1867—1931),英国小说家,1900年移居法国后专门写作。成名作为《老妇谭》(The Old Wives' Tale ,1908)。其作品很多,例如:《大巴比伦旅店》(The Grand Babylon Hotel ,1902),《皇宫》(Imperial Palace ,1930),戏剧《里程碑》(Milestones ,1912)(与E. Knoblock合作,多次上演)。

除了小说,贝内特还创作了非小说类作品,如《如何度过一天的24小时》(How to Live on 24 Hours a Day),这是一本关于时间管理的经典之作。该书以其清新幽默、切中要害的笔触向读者表明了一个人如何靠更有效地利用时间来提高自己的生活质量。这本书并非老生常谈的说教,而是以简明幽默的风格助你珍惜时间、提升生活质量。

