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Boarding pass





Luggage check

Security check


As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the bustling airport, I stood in anticipation, clutching my boarding pass. The process of boarding a flight, or "登机" in Chinese, is a ritual that marks the beginning of a new adventure.


The airport was a symphony of movement and sound, a microcosm of the world in motion. I navigated through the maze of travelers, each with their own story, each heading towards their own destination. The act of "check-in" was a smooth affair, a testament to the efficiency of modern travel.


After the security check, which was a necessary but often tedious part of the process, I found myself at the gate, waiting for the call to board. The anticipation was palpable, a mix of excitement and a hint of nervousness that comes with stepping into the unknown.


When the announcement came, it was like a signal, a cue for the final act of the pre-flight ritual. Holding my boarding pass tightly, I joined the queue, each step bringing me closer to the aircraft that would carry me to new horizons.


As I stepped onto the plane, I felt a surge of emotion. The simple act of "boarding" was not just about getting on an aircraft; it was about embarking on a journey that would change me in ways I could not yet imagine.


In the end, boarding is more than just a step in the journey; it is a transition, a moment of transformation. It is the point where the familiar fades into the distance, and the new begins to unfold before us.



❶ 请把您的包打开,我们要检查一下。Please open your bag. We'd like to have a look.

同类表达 Would you mind if I check this bag? 您介意我查看一下这个包吗?

Just make sure you don't have any liquid with you. 我只是要确定你没携带液体。

❷ 我能看一下您的登机牌吗?May I see your boarding pass?

同类表达 May I see your passport, please? 请出示您的护照。

❸ 请把您的包放在传送带上。Please put your bag on the conveyer belt.

同类表达 Please walk through the security gate. 请通过安检门。

Test again. 再检一次。

❹ 您所有的随身行李都要过X光机器扫描。All your carry-on bags need to be screened by the X-ray machine.

同类表达 To avoid triggering the metal detector, you should take items like keys out of your pocket. 为了避免触动金属检测器,你应该先把钥匙之类的东西从兜里掏出来。

❺ 8号登机口在哪儿?Where is the Boarding Gate 8?

对话 A: Where is the Boarding Gate 8? 8号登机口在哪儿?

B: It's on the second floor. 在二楼。

❻ 什么时候可以登机?When is the boarding time?

同类表达 Is this flight already boarding? 这趟航班开始登机了吗?

What time does this flight board? 这趟航班什么时候开始登机?

We can board half an hour before the departure time. 飞机起飞前半小时可以登机。

❼ 所有乘客请到登机门前排队。All passengers please line up at the boarding gate.

❽ 头等舱的旅客现在请登机。First-class passengers, please board now.

同类表达 We are now boarding first-class passengers. 头等舱的旅客现在正在登机。

Business class passengers may board now. 商务舱的乘客现在可以登机了。

❾ 请注意,飞往曼谷的TG101次航班已经开始登机。May I have your attention? Flight TG101 to Bangkok is boarding now.

同类表达 Please have your boarding pass ready. 请准备好您的登机牌。

❿ 我可以带瓶装水上飞机吗?Can I carry bottled water on board?

上一篇:名篇背诵:Lucy 露西
下一篇:初中英语议论文和说明文:Shanghai Has Changed 上海变了样