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    1.Tall - 高的

    2.Short - 矮的

    3.Slim - 苗条的

    4.Curvy - 曲线优美的

    5.Muscular - 肌肉发达的

    6.Stocky - 矮壮的

    7.Petite - 纤小的

    8.Overweight - 超重的

    9.Obese - 肥胖的

    10.Athletic - 运动员般的

    11.Lean - 瘦而结实的

    12.Average build - 中等身材的

    13.Well-proportioned - 比例协调的

    14.Elegant - 优雅的

    15.Graceful - 优美的


    1.He stands tall and proud. - 他高大而自豪地站着。

    2.She has a slim figure that turns heads. - 她的苗条身材引人注目。

    3.His muscular arms are a testament to his dedication to fitness. - 他肌肉发达的手臂证明了他对健身的投入。

    4.She carries her curves with confidence. - 她自信地展现她的曲线。

    5.Despite his stocky build, he moves with surprising agility. - 尽管他矮壮,但他移动起来出奇地敏捷。

    6.Petite in stature, she has a commanding presence. - 她身材矮小,但有一种威严的气质。

    7.He is overweight but carries it with dignity. - 他超重,但尊严地承受着。

    8.Her athletic build is evident in her toned muscles. - 她运动员般的身材在她紧实的肌肉中显而易见。

    9.He is lean and fit, a picture of health. - 他瘦而结实,是健康的典范。

    10.Her average build belies her extraordinary strength. - 她中等的身材掩盖了她非凡的力量。


In the heart of a bustling city, there lived a woman named Emily, whose presence was as elegant as it was commanding. Emily stood at an average height, but her well-proportioned figure and graceful demeanor made her stand out in any crowd. Her slim waist and curvy hips were the envy of many, and her athletic build was a testament to her dedication to health and fitness.

Every morning, Emily would jog through the park, her lean muscles flexing with each stride. Her short, curly hair bounced with the rhythm of her run, and her bright smile was a beacon of positivity. Despite her petite stature, she had a strong, confident voice that could command attention without ever raising it.

In the evenings, Emily would often be seen at the local gym, where her muscular arms and toned legs were a result of her rigorous workout routine. She was not overly muscular, but her athletic build was evident in her toned muscles and the way she carried herself with ease and agility.

Emily's wardrobe was a reflection of her personality and physique. She favored dresses that accentuated her curves, and her choice of clothing always seemed to complement her figure perfectly. Whether she was dressed for a casual outing or a formal event, Emily's attire was always stylish and flattering.

Her friends often remarked on her ability to dress for her body type, making her look effortlessly chic. Emily's style was not just about following trends; it was about understanding her own body and dressing in a way that made her feel confident and comfortable.






上一篇:按要求写作文:介绍著名科学家斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)
下一篇:名篇背诵:Artist 艺术家