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名篇背诵:The Portrait of a Historian 一位历史学家的画像


名篇背诵:The Portrait of a Historian 一位历史学家的画像

The Portrait of a Historian 一位历史学家的画像

范·W. 布鲁克斯(Van W. Brooks)

It was the work of William Hickling Prescott, Ticknor's young friend, the charming, amusing son of Judge Prescott, who lived in his ample house in Bedford Street, overlooking a beautiful garden. Prescott? — Who could believe it? He was partly blind, and he had an extravagant love of jolly parties. He talked with a joyous abandon, running over with animal spirits, laughing at his own inconsequences , with always some new joke or witty sally . He could be happy in more ways, in spite of his defective eyes, and happier in every one of them, than anyone else his friends had ever seen. One met him in the street, with his gay blue satin waistcoat, tall, graceful, with light brown hair and a clear and ruddy complexion. He seemed to look younger every day. It was known that, for twenty years, he and a group of his friends had carried on a literary club, reading their papers over a merry supper. He had printed a few essays in the review. But this was in a dilettantism spirit, everyone supposed. One of his relatives, meeting him on the street, not long before his book appeared, urged him to undertake some serious task. It would be so good for him. It would be more respectable than leading this unprofitable life.

Every evening the light from his study window glimmered through the pear-trees in the garden. But only George Ticknor, outside the household, knew that, for at least ten years, Prescott had been hard at work, harder, perhaps, than any Boston merchant. And, if everyone bought this book for a Christmas present, it was only because the author was so attractive. One of his cronies, who was not a reader, rose before dawn, on the day it was published, to buy the first copy; but, while everyone saw at once that it was good, no one was aware how good it was. There were scarcely twelve men living who were able to know.

It was a conquest of personality. Prescott was a first-rate human being, exuberant , gallant , willful , firm, devoted, far removed from the clerkly sort of scholar, painstaking but wanting in vigour and sinew...

He did not like to get up in the morning and had to instruct his servant, the faithful Nathan, to pull away his bed-clothes. He did not like to work. He had to make bets with his secretary that he would write a certain number of pages or carry out some other resolution. He was always making resolutions, never too old to make them; and he was never old enough to keep them.

The refractory horse makes the most mettlesome charger. Prescott had a formidable will, and he had bridled and harnessed his indolent nature. Every morning, in the dead of winter, to wind himself up for the day, he mounted his horse and rode to Jamaica Plain, to see the sun rise from a certain hill.

The book was a ten-year task:three and a half years of study before he wrote the opening sentence, three months for chapter one, seven months for the final chapter, two years for condensing and abridging . He had the text set up in type and caused four copies to be printed, for his friends to correct and criticize. Prescott, as he painfully scrawled his chapters, never guessed how hungry his countrymen were for the brilliant glow and colour that he gave them, the pageantry of kings and queens and battles. This was the romance that America longed for. When it was published, the book was a universal triumph.

- inconsequence [ɪnˈkɒnsɪkwəns] n. 不重要

- sally [ˈsælɪ] n. 俏皮话,妙语

- dilettantism [ˌdɪləˈtæntɪzəm] n. 业余的艺术爱好,浅涉文艺

- exuberant [ɪɡˈzjuːbərənt] a. 精力旺盛的

- gallant [ˈɡælənt] a. 英勇的,雄伟的

- willful [ˈwɪlfl] a. 任性的,固执的

- refractory [rɪˈfræktərɪ] a. 难驾驭的

- mettlesome [ˈmetlsəm] a. 勇敢的

- indolent [ˈɪndələnt] a. 懒惰的,无痛的

- abridge [əˈbrɪdʒ] vt. 缩减,节略

- pageantry [ˈpædʒəntrɪ] n. 庆典,壮观







范·W. 布鲁克斯(1886—1963),美国文学批评家、传记作家,出生于新泽西州。著作很多,从第一部《清教徒的酒》(The Wine of the Puritans ,1909)到死后发表的《自传》(An Autobiography ,1965),中间的著作还有:《美国快成年》(America's Coming-of-Age ,1915),《马克·吐温的严峻考验》(The Ordeal of Mark Twain ,1920),《爱默生及其他》(Emerson and Others ,1927)。有关美国文学史的著作有:《创作者与发现者:美国作家史1800—1915》(Maker and Finders: a History of the Writer in America , 1800—1915,1936—1952),《美国作家》(The Writer in America ,1953),《作家笔记》(A Writer's Notebook ,1958),《凤凰的日子》(Days of Phoenix ,1957)等。

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