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名篇背诵:A Valley (Ⅱ) 山谷(二)


名篇背诵:A Valley (Ⅱ) 山谷(二)

A Valley (Ⅱ) 山谷(二)

查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)

I came into the valley, as the evening sun was shining on the remote heights of snow that closed it in, like eternal clouds. The bases of the mountains forming the gorge in which the little village lay were richly green; and high above this gentler vegetation grew forests of dark fir, cleaving the wintry snowdrift, wedgelike, and stemming the avalanche . Above these were range upon range of craggy steeps, grey rock, bright ice, and smooth verdure specks of pasture, all gradually blending with the crowning snow. Dotted here and there on the mountain's side, each tiny dot a home, were lonely wooden cottages, so dwarfed by the towering heights that they appeared too small for toys. So did even the clustered village in the valley, with its wooden bridge across the stream, where the stream tumbled over broken rocks, and roared away among the trees. In the quiet air there was a sound of distant singing-shepherd voices...

- eternal [iːˈtɜːnl] a. 永恒的

- cleave [kliːv] v. 劈,劈开

- avalanche [ˈævəˌlɑːnʃ] v. (冰雪等)崩落

- craggy [kræɡɪ] a. 崎岖的,多峭壁的

- dwarf [dwɔːf] v. 使相形见绌


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