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❶ 你收拾好东西了吗?Are you packed?

同类表达 I have so many things to do before I leave. 我走之前还有很多事情要做。

❷ 你会发现不是每样你带的东西都会用到。You'll see that you won't use everything you bring.

同类表达 It's smarter to bring only what you really need. 只带真正需要的东西是更明智的做法。

You'll wish you didn't take so many things after you've carried everything for a while. 带了那么多东西旅行了一段时间之后,你会希望你没有带这么多东西。

❸ 只带一个包比较容易到处走。It will be easier to get around with only one bag.

同类表达 Taking too many bags will slow us down. 带太多包会拖慢我们的速度。

❹ 如果你在服用药物,别忘了带药。If you are taking medicine, don't forget to bring medication.

对话 A: If you are taking medicine, don't forget to bring medication. 如果你在服用药物,别忘了带药。

B: Thank you for reminding me. 谢谢你提醒我。

❺ 带大量现金有不必要的风险。Carrying large amounts of cash is unnecessarily risky.

同类表达 You can take traveler's checks or credit card. 你可以带旅行支票或是信用卡。

❻ 我们的行李需要上锁。We need locks for our bags.

同类表达 This lock is too light to be easily broken. 这个锁太轻了,很容易坏。

❼ 我不知道有这么多事情要考虑。I had no idea that there were so many things to think about.

对话 A: I had no idea that there were so many things to think about. 我不知道有这么多事情要考虑。

B: Yeah, we have just begun. 是呀,这才刚刚开始而已。

❽ 很多国家对于你可以带的东西都有限制。Many countries have restrictions on what you are allowed to bring in.

同类表达 You're not allowed to bring fruits into Hawaii. 你不能带水果进入夏威夷。

❾ 我的东西都在这个背包里。My stuff is all in this backpack.

对话 A: Have you packed all things you need? 你所有需要的东西都打包好了吗?

B: Yeah, my stuff is all in this backpack. 是的,我的东西都在这个背包里。

❿ 全部搞定。All set.

上一篇:名篇背诵:On Etiquette 论礼仪
下一篇:六级英语作文: 教育投资对国家发展的重要性