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名篇背诵:On Love 论爱情


名篇背诵:On Love 论爱情

On Love 论爱情

罗素(B. Russell)

Is it better to be the lover or the loved one? Neither. By love, of course, I refer to romantic love — the love between man and woman, rather than between mother and child, or a boy and his dog, or two headwaiters.

The marvelous thing is that when one is in love there is an impulse to sing. This must be resisted at all costs, and care must also be taken to see that the ardent male doesn't “talk” the lyrics of songs. To be loved,certainly, is different from being admired, as one can be admired from afar but to really love someone it is essential to be in the same room with the person, crouching behind the drapes.

To be a really good lover, then, one must be strong and yet tender. How strong? I suppose being able to lift fifty pounds should do it. Bear in mind also that to the lover the loved one is always the most beautiful thing imaginable, even though to a stranger she may be indistinguishable from an order of smelts . Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Should the beholder have poor eyesight, he can ask the nearest person which girls look good. (Actually, the prettiest ones are almost always the most boring, and that is why some people feel there is no God.)

“The joys of love are but a moment long,” sang the troubadour , “but the pain of love endures forever.” This was almost a hit song...

- lyric [ˈlɪrɪk] n. 抒情诗

- indistinguishable [ˌɪndɪsˈtɪŋɡwɪʃəbl] a. 不可区别开的

order of smelts 普通人

- troubadour [ˈtruːbədʊər] n. 游吟诗人





罗素(1872—1970),英国唯心主义哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家。以他命名的“罗素悖论”,曾对20世纪的数学基础发生过重大影响。其主要著作还有《数学原理》(The Principles of Mathematics, 1903),《心的分析》(The Analysis of Mind, 1921),《物的分析》(The Analysis of Matter, 1927),《西方哲学史》(A History of Western Philosophy, 1945)等。
