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初中英语作文:How I Spend My Spare Time 我怎样度过我的业余时间


初中英语作文:How I Spend My Spare Time 我怎样度过我的业余时间


How I Spend My Spare Time

In my daily life, I have a lot of spare time after school and homework. I spend my spare time in various ways, which not only enriches my life but also helps me grow.

After finishing my homework, I usually read books. Reading is a great way to learn new things and expand my horizons. I enjoy reading novels, science fiction, and sometimes even educational books. They not only entertain me but also stimulate my imagination and curiosity.

Besides reading, I also like to play sports. I often go to the park with my friends to play basketball or soccer. Playing sports is not only good for my health but also helps me to stay energetic and positive. It's a great way to relax and relieve stress after a long day at school.

In addition to physical activities, I spend some of my spare time on creative hobbies. I like to draw and sometimes write stories. These activities allow me to express myself and develop my creativity. They are also a good way to relax my mind and enjoy some quiet time.

I also spend time helping my parents around the house. I help with cleaning, cooking, and other chores. It's a way for me to show my appreciation for my parents and learn responsibility.

Lastly, I spend some time each week volunteering at a local animal shelter. I love animals, and it's a rewarding experience to help care for them. It teaches me about compassion and the importance of giving back to the community.

In conclusion, I spend my spare time in a balanced way, combining learning, physical activity, creativity, family time, and community service. These activities not only make my life more colorful but also help me become a better person.


1. Spare time - 空闲时间

2. Enrich - 丰富

3. Grow - 成长

4. Homework - 家庭作业

5. Read books - 阅读书籍

6. Learn new things - 学习新事物

7. Expand horizons - 拓宽视野

8. Novels - 小说

9. Science fiction - 科幻小说

10. Educational books - 教育书籍

11. Entertain - 娱乐

12. Stimulate - 刺激

13. Imagination - 想象力

14. Curiosity - 好奇心

15. Play sports - 进行体育运动

16. Basketball - 篮球

17. Soccer - 足球

18. Health - 健康

19. Energetic - 精力充沛

20. Positive - 积极的

21. Relax - 放松

22. Relieve stress - 减轻压力

23. Creative hobbies - 创意爱好

24. Draw - 绘画

25. Write stories - 写故事

26. Express myself - 表达自己

27. Develop creativity - 培养创造力

28. Cleaning - 清洁

29. Cooking - 烹饪

30. Chores - 家务

31. Appreciation - 感激

32. Responsibility - 责任

33. Volunteer - 志愿者

34. Animal shelter - 动物收容所

35. Rewarding experience - 有益的经验

36. Compassion - 同情心

37. Give back to the community - 回馈社会

38. Balanced way - 平衡的方式

39. Physical activity - 体育活动

40. Family time - 家庭时间

41. Community service - 社区服务

42. Colorful - 多彩

43. Better person - 更好的人









下一篇:名篇背诵:The Misfortunes of Human Beings 人类的灾难