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名篇背诵:A Lean Little Spring 泉水潺潺


名篇背诵:A Lean Little Spring 泉水潺潺

A Lean Little Spring 泉水潺潺

约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck)

High in the gray stone mountains, under a frowning peak, a little spring bubbled out of a rupture in the stone. It was fed by shade-preserved snow in the summer, and now and then it died completely and bare rocks and dry algae were on its bottom. But nearly always it gushed out, cold and clean and lovely. In the times when the quick rains fell, it might become a freshet and send its column of white water crashing down the mountain cleft, but nearly always it was a lean little spring. It bubbled out into a pool and then fell a hundred feet to another pool, and this one, overflowing, dropped again, so that it continued, down and down, until it came to the rubble of the upland, and there it disappeared altogether. There wasn't much left of it then anyway, for every time it fell over an escarpment the thirsty air drank it, and it splashed from the pools to the dry vegetation .

- frown [fraʊn] v. 皱眉;(事物)显得险恶

- rupture [ˈrʌptʃə] n. 破裂,裂开

- freshet [ˈfreʃɪt] n. 小溪;山洪(积雪、大雨形成)

- escarpment [ɪˈskɑːpmənt] n. 陡斜坡,悬崖

- vegetation [ˌvedʒɪˈteɪʃn] n. 植物,草木


约翰·斯坦贝克(1902—1968),美国小说家,在加利福尼亚州出生长大,1962年诺贝尔文学奖得主。作品有《金杯》(Cup of Gold ,1929),《天堂牧场》(The Pastures of Heaven ,1932),《献给一位不知名的神》(To a God Unknown ,1933),这些早期作品未引起注意。《煎饼房》(Tortilla Flat ,1935)获成功,此外还有《人鼠之间》(Of Mice and Men ,1937),《愤怒的葡萄》(The Graps of Wrath ,1939,获普利策奖),这些是他的杰作。

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