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100字、150字、200字、250字、300字英语作文5篇 :I Love You, Mum! 我爱你,妈妈!


100字、150字、200字、250字、300字英语作文5篇 :I Love You, Mum! 我爱你,妈妈!

100字英语作文:I Love You, Mum!

Mum, you're my hero. You've always been there for me, through thick and thin. Your love is like a warm blanket, comforting and safe. I love you, Mum, for everything you do. You're my rock, and I'm grateful for you every day.


150字英语作文:I Love You, Mum!

Dear Mum, words can't express how much I love you. You've sacrificed so much for our family, and your strength inspires me. I remember the nights you stayed up to help with my homework, and the days you cheered me on at my games. You're my biggest supporter, and I love you for it.


200字英语作文:I Love You, Mum!

Mum, you're the heart of our home, the one who keeps everything together. I've seen you work tirelessly, always putting our needs before your own. Your love is unconditional, and I'm so grateful for the sacrifices you've made. I love you, Mum, more than words can say.


250字英语作文:I Love You, Mum!

To my dearest Mum, you're not just a mother; you're my best friend. You've been there to listen, to guide, and to love me unconditionally. I remember the countless times you've wiped away my tears and the countless more times you've shared my laughter. Your wisdom and kindness have shaped who I am today. I love you, Mum, for being my anchor in this vast sea of life.


300字英语作文:I Love You, Mum!

Mum, you're the most amazing person I know. Your love is like a beacon, always guiding me through the darkest nights. You've taught me to be strong, to be kind, and to always reach for my dreams. I love you for the countless bedtime stories, the warm hugs, and the wise advice. You're my world, Mum, and I'm so lucky to have you.


下一篇:名篇背诵:A Valley (Ⅱ) 山谷(二)