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初中英语看图作文:I've Got 100 我得了100分


初中英语看图作文:I've Got 100 我得了100分

初中英语看图作文:I've Got 100 我得了100分

I've Got 100


That afternoon, Father was sitting in a chair, reading a newspaper.Suddenly he heard his son shouting “Good new! Good news!”

Father was very excited when he heard this. He asked his son, “What is it? Tell me the good news! Quick!”

His son said, “I have got 100 in the exams.” Father did not believe it because it was too good to be true.

At last he told his father that his Chinese, Maths and English added up to 100.


1)Father was sitting in a chair, reading a newspaper. 父亲坐在椅子上,读着报纸。

2)He heard his son shouting. 他听到他的儿子的喊叫声。

3)It was too good to be true. 这消息好得令人无法相信它是真的。

4)add up to 总计

I've Got 100

Last week, I achieved something that made me extremely proud. I scored a perfect 100 on my math test. It was a moment of pure joy and satisfaction.

I remember the day vividly. The test was challenging, with complex problems that required a lot of thought and concentration. I spent hours studying and preparing for it. When the results were announced, I was nervous but hopeful. As I saw my name at the top of the list with a score of 100, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Earning this perfect score was not just about the grade itself. It was a testament to my hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It showed me that when I put my mind to something and work hard, I can achieve great things.

I shared the good news with my family and friends, and they were all very proud of me. My parents were especially happy, and they rewarded me with a special treat. This achievement has boosted my confidence and motivated me to continue striving for excellence in all my endeavors.

In conclusion, getting a 100 on my math test was a significant accomplishment for me. It was a moment that I will always cherish and remember as a reminder that with determination and effort, anything is possible.







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